I Choose You

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Sorry it's short. It's been in draft for a while and I just got around to finishing it for you guys. Also, does anyone have any requests? I'm running out of ideas.


Jesse smiled as she blindly walked forward, being pushed by her friends Petra and Olivia. "What's all this about?" she asked, unable to see beyond the blue bandana covering her eyes. "Sorry, but we can't tell ya. You'll just have to wait," Petra replied. Jesse's mouth turned down into a small pout from having to wait, but she didn't complain. And so they continued on, a few times Jesse bumped into something, her friends claimed that it wasn't them, but Jesse knew better. She still went along with it with a smile on her face.

Finally, after almost fifteen minutes of being blindly led by her friends, Jesse was brought to a halt and the mask covering her eyes was removed. The young woman looked at her surroundings, a gasp of surprise escaping her lips when she saw Lukas standing in front of her with her brother and Axel. They stood in the ballroom the fortress had been designed with. They rarely ever used the room, especially not for an actual ball. "Wh-What's this about?" she asked. Lukas walked forward until he was standing not even a foot away from Jesse. His blue gaze met her green one, a smile on his lips. He held his hand out to the ebony-haired girl. "May I have this dance?" he asked. A smile spread across the young woman's lips as she took his hand. "I'd love to."

They stepped to the middle of the room, their friends standing off to the side with happy smiles. Lukas took Jesse's left hand in his right and rested his left on her waist. Jesse kept her right on Lukas' left shoulder. After seeing the two in position, Olivia flipped the lever and the speakers in the room started to play a song. The couple in the middle of the room began to dance, their smiles brighter than the chandelier that hung above them. They twirled around the ballroom, their friends watching on as the song continued on.

"Everybody has one, a choice they get to make. Half human half heaven that decides the family tree. Now we all pick the branches that then becomes the roots. I choose you, I choose you."

Jesse looked up into Lukas' blue eyes, bluer than the sky above or the sea below. Not even the gorgeous sky above Sky City or the deep ocean surrounding the sea temple could compare. Her smile had faded to a small smirk. "What's up with the song?" she asked. Lukas gave a light laugh. "Oh, nothing. Just thought you might like it," he replied. Jesse rolled her eyes, not exactly wanting to accept the vague answer, but she remained silent.

"I was worried I would not know what to do if I was in these shoes. Standing here it's clearer than the sky is blue that I choose you, I choose you. With so little we control, thank God it's in the rules we get to choose, and I choose you."

As the song started to come to an end, Lukas stopped dancing and stood in the middle of the room with Jesse. He lowered his hands from her waist and hand, making the young woman stare at him in confusion. Her mouth formed a small 'o' as she gazed at her boyfriend, not knowing what he was planning. He took her hands in his own. "Jesse, I love you with all my heart. I know times have gotten tough for us, but we made it through all the obstacles together, and I can't imagine going through those obstacles with anyone else. So I wanted to ask you-"

"It's the biggest decision I'm about to get right. I choose you, I choose you."

The blond lowered himself onto one knee. He reached into the back pocket of his jeans and brought out a small, black box. As he opened it, Jesse's hands covered her mouth, tears welling in her eyes. Nestled in soft red velvet was a gorgeous silver ring with a heart-shaped diamond on it.

"Will you marry me?"

Jesse, too overcome with emotion to speak, nodded in response. As Lukas slipped the ring on the young woman's ring finger, the group of friends off to the side cheered and clapped. Tears had fallen from everyone's eyes. Lukas stood up, still holding Jesse's hand, as they gazed into each other's eyes. A pair of blue orbs bluer than the sky and sea, and a pair of green orbs greener than an emerald and the forest. Jesse threw her arms around Lukas' neck and stood up on her tiptoes to be able to press her lips to the blond's. Lukas happily kissed the young woman back, wrapping his arms around her waist to help balance her on her toes.


Lukesse Oneshots~2018 WattysDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora