Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story?

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Here's a list of characters to make your job of reading easier! Hope you enjoy!







"Let me tell you what I wish I'd known when I was young and dreamed of glory. You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story...."

"I'll give him this, his financial system is truly a work of genius, I couldn't undo it if I tried. And... I tried."

"He took our country from bankruptcy to prosperity. I hate to admit it, but he doesn't get enough credit for all the credit he gave us."

"Every other founding father's story gets told. Every other founding father gets to grow old."

"But when you're gone who remembers your name? Who keeps your flame? Who tells your story?"

"I put myself back in the narrative..."

Jesse smiled as she slipped the ring she never thought she'd wear again on her finger. It had, at one time, been a sign of what she believed would never be true again. Now, it was a sign that she would continue forward, never forgetting the man she fell in love with.

"I stop wasting time on tears, I live another fifty years. It's not enough."

The gray-haired woman looked out over the city from her place in bed. It was a beautiful sight to wake up to, but one she wished would be even better with her love by her side.

"I interview every soldier who fought by your side."

Jesse scribbled down a few notes before looking up and smiling at the two ex-soldiers in front of her. They were noticeably missing a third and fourth member, but nothing could be done to help.

"She tells our story..."

"I try to make sense of your thousands of pages of writing. You really do write like you're running out of time."

The black-haired woman sighed as she read over the same page for what felt like the tenth time. The way he wrote it made it so difficult, yet at the same time easy, to comprehend.

"I rely on Petra. While she's alive we tell your story."

Jesse smiled over at her red-headed sister, hugging Petra tightly.

"She is buried in Trinity Church near you."

The ebony-haired woman had stray tears falling down her cheeks as she placed a small bunch of flowers between two graves, one with the name of her older sister, the other with the name of her husband.

"When I needed her most, she was right on time."

Petra clutched her sister tightly in an attempt to soothe the heartbroken girl's emotions. It was difficult for the both of them to deal with the death of Jesse's husband.

"And I'm still not through. I ask myself what would you do if you had more time. The Lord in his kindness, he gives me what you always wanted. He gives me more time."

Jesse smiled slightly as she read over the letter on her bedside table. Thoughts rushed through her head of all he had accomplished, and what he could've.

"I raise funds in D.C. for the Washington Monument."

The midnight-haired girl smiled brightly as she watched workers run about the work area, trying to find what they needed to build the grand monument.

"She tells my story."

"I speak out against slavery. You could've done so much more if you only had time."

A group of onlookers watched and listened as a woman stood on the steps of a building, her voice loud and ringing clear. Her words moving them.

"And when my time is up, have I done enough? Will they tell your story?"

"Oh! Can I show you what I'm proudest of?"

"The orphanage..."

"I established the first private orphanage in New York City. I helped raise hundreds of children. I get to see them growing up."

Jesse smiled as a young boy ran up and handed her a little flower. She thanked him and he ran off to his friends, but not before flashing her a smile of his own, one of his front teeth missing.

"In their eyes I see you, Lukas. I see you every time. And when my time is up, have I done enough? Will they tell your story?"

Jesse smiled up at the nine adults standing beside her bed. They all had tears in their eyes, but Jesse smiled and closed her eyes, drifting off peacefully.

"Oh, I can't wait to see you again. It's only a matter of time..."

Jesse's green eyes opened up, finding herself in a world of paradise. She saw many faces she recognized, and some she didn't. She first ran forward to hug a familiar redhead and black-haired girls, then heard a voice she thought she'd never hear again call her mom. Jesse turned to the voice and brought the young man into a hug, giving him a kiss on the forehead, happy to see her dear eldest son Luke again. Their little reunion was cut short when Luke looked to his right and a smile spread across his face. Jesse followed her son's gaze, gasping in surprise at who she saw. Luke gently pushed his mom forward before stepping back, allowing her some time with the man she was walking to.

Jesse finally reached the man in front of her, a smile spreading across her face. Lukas reached his hand out to the woman, in a similar fashion to when he and Jesse had their first dance the night they met. Jesse ignored it, and instead jumped forward and wrapped her arms around Lukas' neck, bringing him in for a sweet kiss, which Lukas happily returned.

They were back together, and nothing was going to keep them apart again.

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