Black Out

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Okay, I got this idea because my state that I live in had a horrible wind storm, which knocked power out the 8th of March. I got lucky, since I had power, and it was so cold. Around 800000 people in my state didn't have power, which is 100000 people more than the population of Montana as a whole. Anyways, enjoy the oneshot!

The wind howled outside. Trees bent to the wind, some branches breaking off and falling to the ground. In the town, the new Order of the Stone was inside their fortress they called home, all sitting in the living room together. Well, all except Jesse. She was in her room for some reason. But she did tell her friends she was tired and wanted to get some sleep, leaving the living room before any of her friends could ask questions. "You guys, don't you think it's weird how Jesse just left to her room with no reason other than 'she's tired'?" Olivia asked. J, Petra, Lukas, and Axel all murmured their agreements. "Since this wind storm started, she's been acting weird. Almost like she's jumpier," Petra said. "Should we go check on her?" Lukas asked, worry shining in his blue eyes. No one could reply since the lights suddenly went out. "What the heck happened?!" J exclaimed. "The wind storm must've caused a blackout," Olivia replied. "How long should it last?" Axel asked. "My guess, probably around a day or two," Olivia replied. "I'm going to go check on Jesse," Lukas said, standing up.

He grabbed his flashlight before walking out of the living room, through the halls of the fortress. It looked much scarier now that it was night and they were having a blackout. Eventually, Lukas reached the hall where the bedrooms were. He walked to the silver door and knocked. Lukas could hear Jesse inside her room, but he couldn't make out what she was saying. He opened the door and walked in, trying to find Jesse. "Jess?" Lukas called. His flashlight traveled over the room until it stopped. In the beam's light was Jesse, sitting on her bed. Her knees were pulled up to her chest, her arms wrapped around her knees. She looked up from her knees, and Lukas saw tear stains on her cheeks. Lukas ran over to her and hugged her, comforting her. Jesse shook from her sobs, crying into Lukas's shoulder. Lukas whispered words of comfort to Jesse, holding her tightly. After a few minutes of this, Jesse stopped sobbing, though tears still fell down her cheeks. Lukas pulled out of the hug, still holding Jesse's arms.

"Jess, what's wrong?" Lukas asked. Jesse took a deep, shaky breath before replying. "I'm scared of thunderstorms..." Jesse whispered. "Why?" Lukas asked, sensing a story behind the fear. "When I was little, I saw a friend of mine die right in front of my eyes, saving me from the lightning that struck.... They threw me out of the way, and got hit themselves...." Jesse whispered, her green eyes filling with pain and tears. She buried her head in Lukas's chest, crying. Lukas gently held her, feeling guilty knowing he struck a nerve. "Jess... I'm sorry..." Lukas whispered. "I-it's fine... You d-didn't k-know...." Jesse replied through her sobs. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Lukas broke the silence between them. "We should get some sleep. Power should be back either tomorrow or the day after," Lukas said. He stood up to leave but stopped when a hand grabbed his.

"Please, stay..." Jesse whispered. Lukas turned back to the girl. "Okay," he said. He sat back down on the bed, next to Jesse. Jesse was glad the room was pitch black, otherwise her flushed red cheeks would be clear as day. Eventually, a yawn escaped Jesse as she lay down on the bed, closing her eyes as sleep overcame her. Lukas stood up to leave, but he stopped. He turned back to Jesse and leaned closer. He gently kissed her forehead before walking out of Jesse's room, closing the door behind him. He went to his own room and lay in bed, eventually falling asleep.


Jesse opened her eyes and found herself in her room. She sat up, stretched, and looked around her room. Everything was in place. She got out of bed and walked to her door, opening it and walking outside. The halls were empty of all humans. She walked to the living room and found Lukas sitting on the couch. Jesse smirked as she silently crept closer and closer. She leaped at Lukas, tackling him to the ground. Lukas cried out in shock as the two rolled to the ground, eventually stopping with Jesse laying on Lukas, their lips gently touching. Both pulled away almost immediately, their cheeks flushing bright red. "U-Ummm, Jess, I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't m-mean it!" Lukas stuttered. "I-It's okay. It w-was m-my fault anyway," Jesse stammered in reply.  Both just stayed like that in awkward silence. Until Lukas broke the silence.

"J-Jess, I-" he started, but was cut off as Jesse's lips gently touched his. It took a moment before Lukas melted into the kiss. They pulled away after a moment. Blue eyes met green, and both were full of love. "I love you, Lukas," Jesse whispered. "I love you too, Jess," Lukas whispered back. Their lips touched again in a kiss. Until they heard a clash of lightning.

Jesse jumped up, Lukas following. They saw the others standing behind the couch, Axel holding two large pans. All were smirking. "You guys gave me a heart attack!" Jesse exclaimed. "Oh, I'm sorry, did we interrupt anything between you two?" Petra asked, an innocent look on her face. Lukas and Jesse didn't know what to say, so both only blushed. "I guess we did. Come on guys, let's leave the two lovebirds alone," J said before they walked out of the room. Jesse smirked before shouting, "LOVEBIRD YOURSELF, J! YOU LOVE PETRA!" Lukas looked at Jesse with a smile. "You really do throw people under the bus, don't you Jess?" Lukas asked. "Heh, J's my brother, I can throw him under the bus all I want," Jesse replied with a smirk. "Jesse, you are amazing," Lukas said before wrapping a arm around Jesse's waist and giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "You are too," Jesse replied, kissing Lukas.

Lukesse Oneshots~2018 WattysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora