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(I hope I did good on this one......)

Lukas walked through the forest. His mind was swimming with thoughts. He was oblivious to the world around him. Why did he have to fall for her? Did she like him too? Would he confess to her? When would he confess?

Lukas didn't hear the mobs sneaking up on him.

Horrible mistake he made.

And so, seeing their victim was lost in his thoughts, they struck.

A scream split the night.

Jesse was jogging through the forest, going for her early morning jog. The dew sparkled on the grass and leaves, sunlight bathing the woods.

She slowed to a stop and leaned against a tree, sweat dripping down her forehead. Jesse took a quick swig of water from her water bottle. Her gaze wandered around, her sharp green eyes looking for any movement.

Her eyes caught something nearby. Jesse hesitantly walked closer to whatever it was, muscles tense, ready to fight or flee at a moment's notice.

Laying on the ground was a bleeding and battered Lukas.

Jesse gasped in horror, her eyes wide with shock. She ran forward and kneeled beside the blonde, gently turning him over to face her.

"Lukas? Lukas please, say something!"

Jesse got no reply. She hastily put her middle and index finger to Lukas' neck, feeling for a pulse. She was relieved when she found one, albeit faint. Jesse picked Lukas up and supported the blonde by wrapping his arms around her neck as she held him on her back. After checking to make sure he wouldn't fall off, she ran.


Jesse closed her eyes tight, trying to force back the tears that threatened to spill. She opened her eyes to see if Lukas had woken up, but his remained closed.

Jesse turned away from the hospital bed, unable to look at Lukas' pale, unmoving body. It was unnatural to see him like this. Pale skin, blue eyes hidden by his eyelids, his body not moving besides the faint rise and fall of his chest, everything was something Jesse was not used to seeing.

"I-I'm so sorry, Lukas.........."


"I am sorry, Jesse. Lukas is in a coma he may never wake from."

"Jesse? How are you doing?"


"Jesse, it wasn't your fault. Lukas will recover. Trust me."


A year passed.

A year.

The doctors had ling lost hope Lukas would wake up. Jesse refused to listen to their suggestions of taking Lukas off life support.

She told herself every day Lukas would wake up.

But, on the exact day a year after she found Lukas, she had lost hope.

It was so hard looking at Lukas every day, trying to believe the next he might wake, that after a year, Jesse no longer believed herself.

It was on this day that Jesse spent her last day in the hospital room with Lukas.

Jesse sat in the chair she had sat in every time she had visited Lukas for a year.

"I waited for you for a year. Why didn't you wake up?"

Jesse closed her eyes and set her head on her arms, which were on the edge of the bed. Her form shook with her sobs.


Jesse lay on the couch of the living room, staring straight ahead at nothing. Her chin rested on the arm of the couch, tears falling down her cheeks.

"It's weird seeing Jesse like this."

"Well, if you waited a year for your friend to wake up then realize it's no use, then spend one final day with them before the doctors took them off life support, wouldn't you act the same way, Axel?"

"All we can do for Jesse is to give her time. And a lot of it."


Late that night, a figure silently walked through the halls of the fortress, their gaze darting back and forth. They slunk down the halls until stopping in the entryway to the living room.

Their blue gaze looked at the young woman lying on the couch, her long, obsidian black hair spread over her back.

The figure walked forward until they reached the couch, right in front of the woman.

They gently reached down and moved some of the woman's hair out of her face. A smile spread across the figure's face.

Slowly, they kneeled down and gently pressed their lips to Jesse's forehead before pulling away.

Jesse's green eyes slowly fluttered open, falling upon a figure kneeling in front of her. In her half-awake state, she didn't immediately react to the sight of an intruder in the fortress.


Jesse's eyes widened as she was pulled from her half-awake state.

She abruptly sat up and stared at the figure in shock. That name and voice she hadn't heard in what felt like forever had reached her ears. Although it was rough and scratchy, as if it hadn't been used in a long time, was still the voice she had desperately wished to hear again.


The figure nodded. By now, Jesse's eyes were adjusting to the light, and she could now see the face of Lukas in the darkness.


Jesse surged forward and tackled Lukas into a hug, wrapping her arms tightly around him. Sobs shook her body. Lukas wrapped his arms around Jesse, holding her as she cried.

"It's okay. I'm here now......"

Jesse looked up at Lukas and smiled through the tears. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to Lukas', shocking the blonde. It was only a moment before Jesse pulled away.

"Don't you dare do that again."

Lukas smiled.

"I don't plan on it."

And he pressed his lips to Jesse's.

Lukesse Oneshots~2018 WattysWhere stories live. Discover now