~For Forever~

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Forever is a long time...
But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side.


Being immortal had its perks.

Lukas didn't have to worry about death or aging, he could do anything he wanted with little to no repercussions on himself. He could do anything and everything.

But the consequences were worse.

He was forced to watch his family and friends all age and die, not looking a day older after 27 years himself. It was only when he was 372 that he found out he had a special ability to make one other person immortal. But by that time, Lukas had drawn into himself, remaining a mystery and never getting close to anyone. He couldn't take the pain of watching another loved one die. It was too much for him to handle. What he didn't expect was that a chance meeting would lead to a love he never thought he'd experience.

Lukas found himself at a small grocery store, buying the foods he needed. Going without basic bodily functions was detrimental to him, even if it didn't kill him. It was there he turned a corner, bumping into a figure that had also turned the same corner as him. She was knocked to the ground, spilling the items in her basket to the tiled floor. A string of apologies spilled from her lips as she attempted to gather the groceries back into her basket. Lukas kneeled, setting his basket to the ground and helping her with the clean-up. They both reached for the final can, hands brushing against each other. The two looked up and met gazes, blushes beginning to form on their cheeks. Lukas had never before seen such vibrant emerald eyes. They practically glowed with sincerity and awe. It was a similar situation for the girl. She was entranced by his lagoon blue eyes, so full of wisdom and unspoken pain.

They stood up, gazes still locked. Lukas handed the girl the can, fingertips brushing gently. "Thanks," the girl breathed. He had almost stopped breathing, breathless with the girl in front of him. "You're welcome," he whispered. With only three words spoken between them, the girl turned and began walking away. She glanced over her shoulder, catching the awe-filled blue gaze staring after her. And just like that, they parted.

Lukas couldn't sleep the entire night. He kept tossing and turning, unable to get those emerald eyes out of his head. It practically drove him crazy. Finally, he decided to try and find her, get some closure. It didn't take long in the small town, only a few days had passed since Lukas made up his mind before finding her in the park. She was sitting with a small pink pig, smiling and enjoying the beautiful day. Lukas was frozen, he couldn't move. It had been so many years since he had felt even remotely close to someone, much less felt the way he did. He didn't know what to do.

So he just stood there.

Only a few moments later, the girl lifted her head up to spot Lukas, her emerald green eyes meeting his blue ones. She recognized him, of course she did, and she stilled. Neither tore their gaze from the other, neither made a move or said a word. They were locked in their own bubble, only brought out of it when the girl's arm was shoved by the pig. She ripped her gaze from Lukas', cheeks flushed just as his were. Lukas turned his gaze to the ground, muttering small curses under his breath. Great, just great. She probably thought he was a creep now. Goodbye any chance of even befriending her.


Lukas looked up to find the girl standing in front of him. Her emerald eyes were shining in curiosity, her ebony black hair framing her pale face beautifully. The pink pig was looking between his owner and Lukas, and he could've sworn the pig almost looked jealous. Lukas found himself unable to speak for a moment. But upon feeling the awkward tension in the air, desperately attempted to try and say something. "Hey," he greeted. The girl's lips quirked into a smile. "I'm Jesse." "Lukas."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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