12:52 - Noah's Current Condition

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For those of you who don't know what this is about, my little mini Noah got sick with colic, or abdominal pain that can range from a mild stomachache to being fatal by making the intestines burst, yesterday. When the vet came over the first time, she wasn't optimistic he'd make it. His internal temperature was 96.4, while it should've been around 100. He barely reacted to any sounds or movements. His veins lay flat so the vet couldn't get a needle in to give him a vaccination. His heart rate was 134 beats per minute.

A normal mini's heart rate doesn't exceed 54 beats per minute.

We watched over him all night, my mom, dad, and me. We a got out of work/school because we barely got any sleep, and we had to keep an eye on him. The main thing we looked for was if he pooped or farted, because that means the blockage in his intestines was starting to be broken down.

The vet just came back today to check on my little mini Noah. She did a quick check, asked us some questions, and ran some fluids into his stomach using a tube through his nose. His heart rate was 48 beats per minute, his veins popped out, he was very gassy, he pooped, and his temperature was 98.8. My little baby mini is so much better, though he's still not out of the woods. Originally, we believed we'd have to put him down to stop his suffering. But, my little trooper is pulling through. Thank you for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers.

Lukesse Oneshots~2018 WattysWhere stories live. Discover now