~Winter Cuddles~

451 18 16

I'm a lonely cuddle slut eventually I was gonna make this thing.


Outside it was snowing. The flakes were small and delicate as they floated down from the sky, sticking to everything from buildings to the tiniest leaf. The world was turning into a white winter wonderland, but the beauty would soon end with the coming blizzard. Children played outside in the thin layer of white fluff that had begun to settle and stick, most ignoring the calls of their parents that urged them to come inside. They eventually complied at the mention of hot chocolate, ducking inside to leave the streets empty and quiet.

A large fortress overlooked the town. In it resided the world's greatest hero, the Hero-In-Residence of Beacontown, slayer of the Witherstorm, Dimension Traveler, Champion of the Games, Admin Ender–

I-It's Jesse. I'm talking about Jesse.

She lived in the fortress with Radar, her Co-Hero-In-Residence. Her friends, the current Order of the Stone, lived all over the world. Olivia in Redstonia, Axel in Boom Town, Petra hadn't settled down yet, and Lukas had lived in a small house outside of Beacontown. However, after the Admin incident, he had decided it was time to settle down in the town. He built his own little home with some help from Jesse and Radar (who really just watched and 'advised'. He was trying his best the sweet boy). This allowed him to spend much of his time with the ebony-haired woman, unlike before where their visits together were short and infrequent, but the others were able to visit even less frequently than Lukas.

And on that cold December day, Lukas had decided to visit Jesse, even with the predicted blizzard to happen later that night. He thought he would be able to head home before getting snowed in. However, the time had just flown by for the two and before they knew it, the snow was falling thickly as the wind blew in large gusts against the fortress. So the two, accompanied by Radar, sat in the living room with the fire going in its place, clothed in sweaters and fuzzy socks as they idly chatted, their gazes frequently flickering to the windows.

"I did not expect to be snowed in here."

Radar looked over at the blond while Jesse let out a soft chuckle. The blizzard had come a bit earlier than expected, which didn't help them any with their lack of knowledge of the time. "Well, there's plenty of room here, so it's not a problem," she said. Lukas smiled as his blue gaze slid from the window to Jesse's green eyes. "Sorry," he apologized sheepishly. Jesse waved her hand nonchalantly. "Like I said, it's not a problem," she replied.

Silence fell over the group for a minute more. It wasn't awkward, at least it wasn't to Jesse and Lukas. Radar squirmed as his dark chocolate brown eyes flickered to the window almost every other second. He had never been the fondest of many things, such as endermen and blizzards, so the poor boy wanted nothing more than to go do something other than sit around in silence and contemplate how much he hated what was going on right outside the walls and how it could get inside-

And then he ran off to his room to do something.

Get his mind off the storm.

So then it was just Lukas and Jesse sitting on the couch alongside each other. They were mostly quiet, breaking the silence to speak a few sentences each before falling silent once again. It was normal, they didn't need to speak at all. Some thought it was strange, why hang out with somebody and not talk? But to them, they had already spoken enough, and the silence was the only thing they had left to say.

But, as time passed, the cold began to seep into the fortress. Jesse began to shiver even with the fire blazing and a blanket wrapped around her body. She curled in on herself, trying to keep herself warm. Lukas took notice of her movements to warm herself up, his blue gaze softening as a worried frown crossed his lips. At first, Jesse paid no heed to what Lukas was doing, focusing instead on the cold beginning to attack her with its sharp chills.

However, she began to focus on the blond when he moved toward her, the couch shifting under him.

"Lukas?" she questioned, turning her head slightly to look over at the young man. He had moved until their shoulders brushed, bringing his arms up to wrap them around her waist as his head rested in the crook of her neck. "You looked cold," he mumbled, closing his eyes in content. The ebony-haired woman raised an eyebrow in surprise, the expression only lasting a moment before fading into a soft smile. She leaned closer to Lukas, her emerald eyes closing as she fell into his comforting embrace.

Ooh, and warm!

A content sigh escaped her lips, her shivering stopping. She carefully placed her head on top of Lukas' as a smile crossed her face. His embrace was warm and comforting, easily welcomed by the ebony-haired woman. A drowsy feeling came over the two, sleep wrapping them up in her own comforting embrace as they dozed off with peaceful dreams.

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