Lukas's 'Biome Journal'

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I noticed Lukas's biome journal sitting on its pedestal in the treasure room. I was curious about what was in it, and why Lukas seemed so secretive about it. Normally I wasn't one to look at stuff without permission, but I was curious. I grabbed the book and sat down, my back to the pedestal. I opened to the first page and started reading.


I guess this sorta is a biome journal. However, the majority of the book was just like a normal diary. I flipped to the next page, which was the last page. I started reading.

And so that is how we returned home from adventuring. Jesse says it was impossible without her friends. I just wonder when I will tell her. She's just so amazing, and brave, and smart, and I don't know how I'll tell her how I truly feel about her. Perhaps soon. I just hope she will love me too.

I felt tears in my eyes. Lukas loved me? I was so oblivious. Oblivious to Lukas, and to myself. I had never really thought about stuff like love, so I didn't look for it. I didn't know Lukas loved me, and I had no idea I loved him until now. I closed the book and put it back on the pedestal. I started walking out of the fortress, into the town. People were saying hello to me, and I said hello back, but I was looking for only one blonde-haired young man specifically. Eventually, I saw him. He was helping some townspeople who were moving in with some building tips for their houses. The townspeople walked away to continue building their houses, and Lukas watched as they left. I walked forward and tapped Lukas's shoulder. He jumped and turned around, seeing me. "Oh, Jesse, it's you." Lukas said, trying to recover from that jump. He ran his hand through his hair. "Lukas, I have to tell you something." I said. "What is it?" Lukas asked. "Lukas, please don't be angry, but I read through your 'biome journal'." I replied. Lukas stiffened, and I was afraid he was angry.

"After I finished, I realized something. I had read that last page, and I know how you feel about me." I continued. Lukas's blue eyes were filled with shock. "I realized that I felt the same way about you. I wasn't looking for love before today, and that is why I didn't realize my feelings for you or how you felt about me. I'm so sorry." I finished, looking at the ground. I felt a hand lift my chin up before moving to my cheek. I blushed and Lukas smiled. "There's nothing to forgive." he replied. He leaned closer and our lips touched. It was a pleasant first kiss, sweet and soft. After a few moments, we pulled away, and I smiled with Lukas. "I've wanted to do that for so long." Lukas said. "And I know it will last for even longer." I replied, kissing Lukas again.

Lukesse Oneshots~2018 WattysWhere stories live. Discover now