Bad and Good

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Jesse stared nervously at the school ahead of her. It was her first year of high school at this high school. She and her family had just moved here, so now she went here with her older twin brother J. They were both juniors. Jesse looked down at the ground as she walked into the high school.

As she tried to navigate the halls, she kept an eye open for her brother. She had accidentally slept in that morning, so he got to school before she did. And Jesse really didn't want to navigate a new school all by herself without her brother.

"Hey, you lost?"

Jesse turned around and saw an orange haired senior with sapphire blue eyes. The air around the senior just screamed confidence and some trouble. This was someone Jesse wouldn't mind hanging out with. "U-Umm, yeah. Y-You see, I-I'm new here...." Jesse stuttered.

"Ahhhh you must be the new girl. Jesse, right?"

Jesse nodded shyly.

"Cool. I'm Petra. Here, I'll help you to your class."

Jesse smiled up at the redhead, who smiled back in return. "Thanks. And I have Potionology with Mr. Ivor," Jesse said. "I know where that is. Follow me," Petra replied.

The two girls walked through the halls until they reached a classroom. "Here we are. Good luck. I'll see ya around," Petra said, starting to walk away. "Thanks, Petra!" Jesse called. The ebony haired girl turned around and walked into the classroom. Students were chatting amongst themselves, all in small groups of three or four. Jesse looked around for her brother but to no avail. He was nowhere to be seen.

Jesse walked to a desk near the front of the class, placing her backpack under the desk and sitting in the seat. She twiddled with her thumbs, avoiding everyone else's gaze.

"Hey, you new?"

Jesse looked up at the source of the voice. It was a girl Jesse's age. She had dark skin, black pigtails, brown eyes, a red cardigan, black leggings, and red flats. Behind her was a really tall male their age. He had pale skin, black hair, brown eyes, a green t-shirt with the diagram of a creeper on it, blue jeans, and black tennis shoes. The girl had asked the question.

"O-Oh. Yeah, I am," Jesse replied.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Olivia, this is Axel," the girl greeted.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Jesse."


Jesse was walking through the halls with Olivia, Axel, Petra, and J. They had all become quite close very quickly, and now they were all heading to their free period, which was mainly used as a study hall.

"Sooooo, J. Why do people call you that?" Axel asked.

"Mine and Jesse's parents didn't know they were having twins, so they decided on Jesse. We're both officially named Jesse, but I prefer J to prevent confusion."

"Cool. How's it like having a twin?"

"Awesome. We get to do almost everything together. But I sometimes wish I never had a twin. Siblings, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em."

The group continued to chat on their way to the library when they turned a corner. Jesse was closest to the wall, and not looking at where she was going. She cried out in surprise when she ran into someone, falling to the floor. Jesse shook her head and rubbed it, looking up at who she had run into.

Sitting across from her, also on the ground, was a young man. He was a senior with slicked back blonde hair, bright blue eyes, pale tan skin, a black leather jacket, magenta and white striped t-shirt, blue jeans, and red converse. "O-Oh! I'm sorry!" Jesse quickly apologized. "It's fine. I wasn't looking where I was going," the blonde replied. He stood up and walked over to Jesse, holding his hand out to her. The girl hesitantly took it before being helped to her feet.

"But man, if I got to bump into someone every day, I'd sure want it to be a pretty girl such as yourself."

Jesse sputtered at the comment. She wasn't used to this flirting, and she was really shy. Her brother stepped in between the two of them, his green gaze glaring at the blonde.

"I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't flirt with my sister," he growled. The blonde raised an eyebrow. "Your sister?" he asked.

"Yes. And I expect you to stay away from her."

"Calm down, J. Let's go," Petra cut in, dragging J away.

The group followed, Jesse trailing behind. She cast a glance over her shoulder to meet the blonde's gaze before turning back around and following her brother and friends.


It was a few days before spring break. Jesse was really excited for the break, seen as she, like almost every other student in existence, hated school. But she knew, without something to do, her mind would wander to questions she had.

Like why on earth was the blonde boy still flirting with her?

She learned the blonde was named Lukas, the most popular boy in school. Girls swooned over him and tried to catch his eye, most times by doing really embarrassing things. Lukas simply ignored them and turned his whole attention on Jesse. She looked up to and admired Lukas, just not as extremely as the other girls. The blonde was the perfect student, a great friend, and a real smooth talker. Basically, everything Jesse wanted to be. Well, except for the fact he did have the bad side.

He flirted nonstop with her, and he may or may not have broken a few school rules.

Nonetheless, Jesse looked up to the good side of Lukas. But that's not it.

She's begun to develop feelings for the blonde.

But, being the shy girl she was, couldn't work up the courage or confidence to admit her feelings.

Jesse sighed, shaking her head to remove the thoughts from the blonde. She continued walking down the hall until she came to the library. Jesse walked into the library and made her way to the back corner of the library, her favorite place in the whole school. No one was ever back there, so she had the whole place to herself.

Jesse was about to sit down in the seat when she heard a voice call her name quietly. She turned to the voice to see Lukas standing there.

"O-O-Oh h-hey L-Lu-Lukas," Jesse stammered.


"Hey, Jess. Listen, I have to tell you something," Lukas said.

"W-What i-i-is it?"

Lukas moved forward swiftly so Jesse couldn't react. He was right in front of her, pinning her to the wall by his close presence, gently kissing her. At first, Jesse didn't know how to react. She stared with wide eyes before Lukas pulled away after a moment. "I love you, Jess...." he whispered.

Jesse's eyes widened further. Lukas loved her? It seemed too good to be real. But, if it was, Jesse was going to take advantage of it.

"I-I love you too, Lukas....."

Lukas's blue eyes lit up. He smiled a wide, bright smile. Instead of him moving forward to make a move, Jesse pressed her lips to his. Lukas smiled into the kiss, not taking another moment to hesitate from kissing her back. He wrapped his arms around Jesse's waist, pulling her closer. Jesse had to tilt her head upward to even kiss Lukas since he was taller than her just enough to make it impossible to kiss him without standing on tiptoes or him leaning down. Her hands wound their way into Lukas' blonde locks, messing up his slicked-back hair and causing it to fall down, sweeping to the right. Jesse never wanted the moment to end, and neither did Lukas.

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