~Kissing Santa Claus~

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So I don't know if you know this, but it was actually a tradition when my parents were kids for the husband to dress up as Santa Claus on Christmas Eve to give a kiss to his wife. Sometimes the kid would catch them, hence the song 'I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus'. Sweet, yes. Cheesy, of course. Fanfic/Oneshot material, abso-fricking-lutely.


It was late that Christmas Eve. The houses in Beacontown were dark and silent as children and adults slept, waiting for the next day to arrive and allow them to open the presents under the fir tree in their living rooms. Some were surprised they could even sleep with the excitement that filled their being.

All over the world, people were doing the same exact thing. It was peaceful and silent for once. And they were all extremely thankful for that.

Many believed they owed it to Jesse and the New Order of the Stone, the group who had come together to defeat the Witherstorm and many other foes. Of course, they were correct, Jesse and her friends had managed to save the world multiple times, ushering in eras of peace that they hadn't had since the Old Order of the Stone was together. They owed much to the great heroes.

But, unlike what most originally thought, they were still human.

And that meant that, like everyone else, they were also sleeping after preparing for the long-anticipated holiday.

However, unlike most, Jesse herself was awake.

The young woman had laid awake for most of the night. She was excited but also disappointed. The New Order of the Stone was unable to come spend Christmas with her. Petra was off adventuring with Jack and Nurm, Axel and Olivia were both busy preparing in their towns of Boom Town and Redstonia respectively, Ivor was spending time with Harper in Crown Mesa, and Lukas had to head on a small trip.

In all honesty, Jesse knew she should have suspected it, prepared for the confirmation that none of her friends were able to arrive. But it still hurt to hear. And so she laid awake in her bed, tossing and turning and unable to get a single wink of sleep. Finally, shortly before the clock struck midnight, she tossed the covers off her body and swung her legs to the side of the bed. Jesse stood up and began to walk to the door, grabbing an oversized hoodie along the way. Her footsteps sounded silently as she walked through the halls of the fortress and pulled the hoodie on over her head. Perhaps a walk would help.

But even as she walked through the fortress, Jesse found that she was still restless. She didn't need or want something from the kitchen, and her bed wouldn't yield any sleep to her anytime soon. A thought crossed her mind, prompting her to stop walking, turn around, and head in the direction of the living area. Perhaps sleeping next to the tree would calm her down. The soft light that spilled from it had managed to do so many times in the past. Jesse finally came to the doorway that led to the living area, stopping as her eyes widened in shock at what she saw before her.


The blond man halted in his tracks upon hearing the familiar voice call his name. His blue gaze met the green gaze of the young woman standing in the doorway, eyes wide as the realization that he had been caught dawned on him. Jesse's arms were crossed over her chest as she leaned against the doorframe, a confused look across her face. "I thought you were out of town?" Lukas muttered a small curse under his breath as he awkwardly smiled at Jesse. "Heeey, Jess," he greeted. The young woman pushed herself off the doorframe and walked over to the blond, an amused smile forming on her lips. "You're dressed up like Santa Claus," she stated, motioning to the red jacket and hat with white trim he wore. A small blush creeped on Lukas' face.

"It was meant to be a surprise..."

"Trust me, I'm very surprised. What happened to your trip?"

"Uhh... A cover-up so I could drop off your gift in secret and surprise you in the morning..."

A laugh escaped Jesse's lips. Her smile was wide and bright even in the dim light of the tree. "You're so sweet, Lukas. Thank you." His smile grew modest as his blush darkened. "I-It was nothing..." "It was more than that to me." The young woman pressed up on her tiptoes to press an endearing peck to Lukas' lips. It only made the blond's blush grow ever darker, his smile giddy as he took her hands in his and leaned down. Their lips met in another kiss, lasting for only a few moments. But those few moments were all they needed.

Though it didn't prepare them for who had just seen them.


The sudden, high-pitched voice made the two break apart. Their wide gazes flashed to the source of the voice, finding none other than Radar in his green pajamas standing in the doorway. Even though he had forgotten his glasses in his room, the boy was still able to somewhat see the sight before him. And Jesse and Lukas didn't have the time to prepare for the onslaught of questions about to be thrown their direction.


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