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So, guys, I have an idea. I really want to try it, but I need some feedback.

What do you guys think about a new book, but instead of being a Lukesse fanfic, it'll be an Avengers fanfic! I'm adding a new character to the crew and gonna have my own storyline basically a couple years into the future. This means there will probably be swearing in the book, which if I do indeed make the book, I'll have to get used to doing. No smut or anything like that. My fanfics stay child-friendly, but this book will include some swearing. You have been warned.

So, basically, that's the rundown. Tell me what you guys think and if you have any plot ideas, tell me! Don't be silent readers! I want your feedback to find out about different things, and this is no different. I understand if some of you are shy, but I'm not gonna judge ya! Enough about my rambling, I'll let ya guys think it over and tell me some ideas. Please give me some feedback really soon though, I wanna try and get this book started as quickly as possible if I do write the book, and before I do that I need some feedback from you guys! Thanks for reading!

P.S.~I just saw this book has over 2000 views! HOLY LOVE OF IRENE! That means so much to me! Thank you all so much!

Lukesse Oneshots~2018 WattysWhere stories live. Discover now