Following the Leader

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I watched Lukas start searching through the chest, searching for things he would need to go find his friends with. I didn't want him to go, but there was no way he was gonna stay. "Guys, I need you to help me." I whispered to Olivia, Axel, Petra and Reuben. "What is it?" Axel asked. "I need you guys to lead this team. I have to help Lukas find his friends." I whispered. They looked like they were ready to argue, before accepting the fact that they couldn't change my mind. "We'll do it. Just, be careful out there Jesse." Olivia said. "I will. I'll see you guys when Lukas and I find his friends." I whispered. I turned around and saw Lukas taking his horse out of the cave. I started following Lukas from a safe distance to where he couldn't see me.

~A few hours later~

I heard voices. "Aiden, I'm scared." Maya said fearfully. "Don't worry, Maya. We lost the Witherstorm, it's not gonna find us." Aiden replied. "Who I'm more worried about is Lukas. I wonder where he is." Gill said. "Yeah, I just hope he's safe." Aiden agreed. I rode my horse through the bushes and found the Ocelots. "Lukas!" they exclaimed. I hopped off my horse and was wrapped in a hug by them. "It's great to see you guys!" I said. "Same to you!" Maya replied. "Is there anyone else with you?" Gill asked. "I was part of a group. The Nether Maniacs and the Order of the Stone. But I left them to find you guys." I said. "Is the Witherstorm chasing you?" Maya asked. "I checked multiple times, its not chasing me." I replied. "Did anyone come with you?" Aiden asked. "No, no one came. Why?" I replied. I followed Aiden's gaze behind me, and I saw the bushes rustling. Not from the wind, but from a human.

"Who's there?" I called. The bushes rustled more fiercely before stopping. I walked up and looked through them, finding nothing. Well, almost nothing. There was a small bit of black hair caught on one of the branches, and a small piece of red and white fabric. I looked around and felt a pair of eyes watching me. Turning around, I met the gaze of a person. It wasn't one of the Ocelots, or any mob. This gaze was too intelligent, sharp, and beautiful. Whoever it was, they had emerald green eyes. Aiden, Maya and Gill came through the bushes and followed my gaze, looking at the person. "Who are you?" Aiden asked. The person said nothing, just stared at them with that scorching gaze. All of a sudden, the sounds of mobs reached my ears. I turned around and saw skeletons, zombies and spiders. Aiden, Maya, Gill and I were back to back as we watched the mobs, slowly advancing towards us. "This is bad. You guys ready for some mobs?" Aiden asked. "Better than the Witherstorm." I added.

Right when the mobs nearly reached us, we heard a whistle. I looked up and saw a person standing on top of a tree. I saw the emerald-green gaze of the person I saw before. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size." they said. That voice sounded so familiar. The person jumped down, grabbing their sword, and they started slicing through the mobs. "Dang, whoever this guy is, he means business." Aiden said. "Hey, it could be a girl." Maya retorted. "No girl could have moves like that." Aiden said. "Take that back!" Maya said. "Guys, this is no time to bicker about my gender!" the person shot back as they fought. Their voice was higher, more like a female's voice than a male's. I was so mesmerized in this girl's moves, I didn't realize a mob snuck up behind me until I felt a punch in my back. Two zombies were getting ready to kill me, and I heard the girl shout, "LUKAS!" She ran over and sliced the two mobs, before turning to me and holding her hand out. "Thanks." I said. "It's what friends are for." she replied. Friends? Did she mean that we were friends?

By now, the mobs had all been dealt with. I turned to the girl with the Ocelots. "All right, who are you, and why did you just risk your neck to save us?" Aiden asked. "Well, Lukas is my friend. You guys aren't necessarily my friends, but your Lukas's friends, and that's good enough for me." the girl replied. "All right, but who are you?" Maya asked. "I'm surprised you don't know." the girl replied. She took off her cloak, and I saw someone I didn't expect to see. "JESS?!" I exclaimed. "Heh, yeah, it's me." the black-haired girl replied. "What are you doing? I thought I said I was going alone!" I said. She started blushing as she looked at the ground, running a hand through her hair. She whispered something so quiet I couldn't hear. "What did you say?" I asked. "I-I-I couldn't let you go alone..." Jesse whispered. "I-I was afraid that y-you w-w-wouldn't-" Jesse cut herself off as she started crying. She was afraid I wouldn't come back? I gently put my hand under her chin and gently lifted her head up, so our gazes locked. "Hey, that won't happen. I'll always come back to you safe." I said. "P-Promise?" Jess whispered. "I promise." I replied. Jess managed a small smile before wrapping me in a hug.

I hugged her back, before we pulled away. "Jess, you know there was a reason I wanted to find my friends alone." I began. "What?" Jesse asked. "I didn't want anybody, especially you, to get hurt." I finished. Lately, I had been experiencing feelings for Jesse. I'm in love with her. But I don't now if she feels the same way. I expected her to say something about she being able to take care of herself, but she didn't. She surprised me. She stood up on tiptoes and gently kissed my cheek, causing me to blush bright red. She smiled before walking over to a hill, where she started looking around for anything. "Well, looks like we've got a loverboy." Aiden said, socking me in the arm. "He's in shock. Should we punch him?" Gill asked. "Nah. Let him live in his quick slice of heaven." Maya replied. I said something to them.

"Guys, if this is a dream, don't ever wake me up."

Lukesse Oneshots~2018 WattysWhere stories live. Discover now