Sweater Weather

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Jesse opened her eyes, and found herself in her room. She sat up and stretched, trying to wake up from her sleep. She got out of bed, changed her clothes, brushed her hair and teeth, and grabbed her stuff. After she finished, she walked out to the kitchen, where she grabbed some toast and walked out of her house. Jesse was heading to hang out with her friends, and she always was excited to hang out with them. It had been five years since the Order's travels had ended, so they all went to living normal lives. Petra lived in a treehouse with Olivia, Axel, and their pet dog, Max. Lukas lived with his sister Lucy. J decided to go get special training from the old Order. Jesse? She lived alone, in a small house on the edge of town. She tried to keep a low profile, so no one would point her out, otherwise she'd be swarmed by fans. Kinda like how they lived before their adventures, when they were normal people, and had no worries or responsibilities. Except Petra and her had switched roles, and the pet friend was a dog named Max, instead of a pig named Reuben....

Just the thought of Reuben made Jesse tear up, but she held back her tears and continued her walk to the treehouse. After a few minutes, she reached the treehouse. She climbed up the ladder into the treehouse. "Jesse!" her friends immediately greeted her as she climbed up. She hugged each of her friends and gave Max a quick pat. "Glad you made it." Axel said. "I always come, Axel. You know I'd never miss this." Jesse replied. She then noticed one member of their team wasn't there. "Hey guys, where's Lukas?" Jesse asked. The others looked at each other before Olivia replied, "When we told him you'd be here, he kinda said that he was busy. He looked nervous when we mentioned you being here too." Jesse felt hurt. Did Lukas not want to see her? Was he angry with her for something? "Any ideas as to why he didn't come?" Jesse asked. "None, the only thing I can think about is either he was busy, or he's obviously avoiding you for some reason." Petra replied. Jesse couldn't think of a way Lukas could be angry with her, and the only reason other than that was that it was a coincidence he said he was busy when her friends mentioned her. "Well, if he wants to be mysterious about why he's avoiding Jesse, fine. We'll get the answer soon enough. Now, let's hang out." Axel said.


Jesse said her goodbye before climbing down the ladder. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she felt a fresh chill prick her skin. It was cold, and Jesse had worn jeans, tennis shoes, and a T-shirt. She held her arms and started walking, despite the treehouse being right above her. The treehouse really didn't have room for a guest, so Jesse's only option was to go home. Only a minute had passed when Jesse heard a voice.


She turned to the voice and, low and behold, Lukas was standing there. "Lukas?" Jesse asked. Lukas ran forward and gently touched Jesse's arm. It was freezing. "Jess, you're freezing cold!" Lukas exclaimed, worried. "It's fine, Lukas." Jesse replied, although her teeth chattered. Lukas knew Jesse better than that, and he started to take off his sweater. "No, Lukas, you need your sweater." Jesse protested, holding her hand out. "It's fine. I'm wearing a long-sleeved shirt underneath." Lukas replied, taking off his sweater. He put it over Jesse's head, and she had to put it on. After putting her head through the neck hole, and her arms through the sleeves, she looked at Lukas gratefully. "Thanks." she said. "I-It's nothing." Lukas replied, a light blush coming to his cheeks. The two stayed silent for a moment. "Hey, is it okay if I walk you home?" Lukas asked. Jesse looked at Lukas in surprise. She expected him to say his goodbye, and leave for his house. But she nodded her head, and the two started to walk to Jesse's house.

They were silent most of the way, until Jesse broke the silence. "Lukas, why did you not come to the treehouse?" she asked. Lukas looked at her in surprise. "Was it because of me?" Jesse asked. "W-What?! Jesse, why did you think that?" Lukas asked. "Because when the others mentioned me coming, they said you got really nervous and said that you were busy. It seemed all to convenient you would say you were busy after they mentioned me coming." Jesse replied. Lukas blushed, remembering what he had been thinking at that moment. He decided now was the time to tell her. "Jess, I-" he began, but was interrupted by a flash of lightning. The two looked up at the sky. It began pouring rain, and Jesse quickly grabbed Lukas's hand and they ran into Jesse's house. After closing the door behind them, they looked at each other. Both were drenched from the sudden downpour, and thunder crackled outside. "I guess I'm stuck here until the storm lets up." Lukas said, blushing. "Yeah." Jesse agreed. The two stood there awkwardly, silence filling the room. "I have a spare bedroom, along with some clothes. They'll be good for tonight." Jesse said. "Fine with me." Lukas replied.

Jesse led Lukas to the spare bedroom, and showed him where the extra clothes were. "I'm gonna go to my bedroom." Jesse said before walking out of the spare room and into hers. She took off the sweater and hung it up on a chair. She grabbed a new outfit, a sweater of her own (Picture above) and a pair of black pajama pants. She quickly dried her hair with a towel before hanging her wet clothes up. After she finished, she walked out of her room into the living room. Lukas was there already, sitting on the couch. Jesse sat next to him on the couch. "Want to watch a movie?" Jesse asked. "Sure, you can choose." Lukas replied. Jesse walked to her stand of movies and started looking. "How about this?" she asked, holding a movie up for Lukas to inspect. "Romeo and Juliet?" Lukas asked. "Yeah. I kinda am the cheesy romantic type of person." Jesse replied with a blush. "It sounds nice. And if you want to watch it, I'm fine with it." Lukas said. Jesse put the movie into the player, turned on the TV, and sat down on the couch with Lukas.


The movie was about half done. Jesse had her legs curled beside her on the couch, Lukas sitting beside her. By now the thunder had gone away, and the only sound was the pitter patter of rain outside. It was pretty late, and Jesse felt tired. A yawn escaped her, making Lukas smile. Jesse's eyes started to close, and she subconsciously lay her head on Lukas's shoulder. Lukas blushed bright red. He didn't want to move, to risk waking Jesse up, but this was a very awkward predicament he was in. "Of course this has to happen to me." Lukas muttered. He reached for the remote and turned the TV off, so the sounds wouldn't wake Jesse up. He sat there, listening to the pitter patter of rain, and Jesse's gentle breathing. Lukas looked at Jesse, and admired how beautiful she was. Her beautiful emerald eyes, her midnight hair, her pale skin, it all made her beautiful and complimented everything about her. Her personality glossed the beauty. She was kind, brave, caring, humble, and it just provided the gloss about her. Lukas smiled, remembering every time they had spent together.

But Lukas's smile turned to a frown. What was he thinking? Jesse could never love him. Either way, she might love someone else, even though that was highly doubtful. As Jesse never showed any want to fall in love. She never sighed as she looked out a window, she never blushed around someone, she never told anyone anything about the topic, and she most definitely never showed any strange things around someone. It was as if she wasn't looking for love, and didn't want it. Lukas sighed, knowing he probably had no chance with Jesse. After a while, Lukas felt his eyelids start to droop. He was tired, and he closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Jesse woke up, and found herself in a bad predicament. She currently was in Lukas's arms, and he was asleep. Jesse blushed, realizing she must have fallen asleep in a place where Lukas couldn't move, so he had to sleep where he was. Now, she couldn't move, unless she risk waking Lukas up. She didn't know what was worse, being stuck in this predicament until Lukas woke up, or the fact that he was actually waking up right now. Lukas's blue eyes met Jesse's, and they both blushed bright red. They didn't say a word, and only stared at each other. After what seemed like an eternity, the two leaned closer. Ever so closer, closer, until their lips gently touched. It was a moment, but it seemed to the two to last forever. They pulled away, and both quickly realized what they just did. Both laughed awkwardly, blush continuing to make their faces bright red. "Jess, I-" Lukas began, but Jesse stopped him by kissing him. Lukas melted into the kiss, and the two knew their lives were perfect.

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