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Oof, it's a long one.

Also, this kinda tugs your heartstrings. So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also also, anyone else a fan of BNHA/MHA?


The world has changed much in the past decades.

All over, people began to gain special abilities. Some were strong, some were weak, all were unique. These abilities were dubbed 'Quirks'. People developed their Quirks by the age of four, though there were a few late bloomers. Quirks opened up many new doors that had been closed before, one leading to a profession many dreamed of going into that was only heard about in comics and movies.


These heroes worked with the government to control the rising crime numbers, a negative effect from the rise of Quirks. They were documented and licensed by the government to keep an eye on them, so as they too would not allow their powers to turn them into villains.

By the time Lukas was born, under ten percent of the population did not have a Quirk.

He watched his classmates all develop their own Quirks, each child fascinated and joyful when they finally got theirs. However, when he was four, his Quirk still had not developed yet. His classmates made fun of him for it, seen as it was very rare to find someone with no Quirk, and if you were deemed 'Quirkless', it was one of the worst things that could happen to you.

So imagine his joy when he finally discovered his Quirk.

It had started as an average day for the ten-year-old. He had been on his way to school, trying to ignore the merciless other students around his age, when a woman cried for help from behind him. The blond turned around to see what had happened, only to spot a man wearing dark clothing running away from the woman who had screamed, holding a purse in his grasp. People around him just watched, not knowing what to do to help, and the man rushed toward Lukas. He had planned on going right on by the scrawny ten-year-old, escaping easily with the woman's purse.

But he hadn't expected the blond to grab his arm.

The robber was halted instantly, unable to move forward from the vice-like grip around his arm. Lukas refused to give any ground to the man, somehow managing to overpower a fully-grown man that appeared to have some muscle on him. Everyone around them watched the scene, including the boy's tormentors, whose eyes were wider than saucers. The blond held the man still until a licensed hero walked up and took over the situation, restraining the robber while returning the purse to the woman.

Lukas was praised for his actions in helping, and his tormentors finally stopped tormenting him. He was finally accepted by those who had previously pushed him away because they believed he was Quirkless. He finally knew what his Quirk was. He should have been overwhelmed with happiness.

But he realized that his happiness was not real.

His 'friends' could care less about him, only leaving him alone because they had no real reason to make fun of him. The Quirk he gained was not flashy nor especially strong. Some tried to say that his dream of becoming a hero would not be in reach due to his Quirk, which seemed to pale in comparison to his peers'. Whenever he wanted to help people, they only rejected his offers.

It was tough.

Despite all this, he applied to the best superhero training school nearby, managing to make it into the school alongside quite a few others. It was there where he found new, real friends, each with special Quirks that made them perfect candidates to be heroes. Petra had Pyrokinesis, Axel Explosion, and Olivia Telepathy. They all got their Quirks at four years of age, allowing them time to properly cultivate the powers to where they would be acceptable candidates. Even despite his lack of training, Lukas managed to catch up to his peers and compete with them. They were all close friends.

Lukesse Oneshots~2018 WattysWhere stories live. Discover now