Is She the One I Love?

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Lukas sighed dreamily. His mind wandered to the young woman he secretly loved. Jesse raised an eyebrow at her friend. He was always going in and out of his daydreaming mind. She snapped her fingers in front of his face. "Earth to Lukas, earth to Lukas, come in," she joked. Lukas jumped out of his daze and looked at Jesse. "I'm sorry, did you say something?" he asked. Jesse rolled her eyes. "I said that your head is stuck in the clouds," Jesse teased. Lukas blushed a faint pink as he averted his gaze to the ground. "Lukas, is there something wrong? You constantly have your head in the clouds and have these dreamy looks on your face. So unless you're coming up with story ideas, then it's something else. You can tell me," Jesse said. Lukas sighed. "Alright, I'll tell you," he replied. Jesse waited patiently in silence.

"I-I kinda have this crush on this girl...."

Jesse's emerald eyes widened. "Who?" she asked. Lukas bit his lip. "If I told you, you might not believe me," he replied. "Lukas, I'm your friend. You can tell me anything," Jesse said. Lukas once again sighed. He whispered the girl's name so quietly, Jesse couldn't hear. "You spoke too quietly," Jesse said. Lukas felt his cheeks burn in embarrassment as he muttered her name, a little louder this time.


Jesse's eyes widened again. He had a crush on their red-head friend? "I-I know it's kinda stupid to think she could ever love a guy like me," Lukas said. Jesse felt her heart shatter. She had always hoped Lukas would love her, but hearing him say he loved another, her best friend no less had broken her heart. Jesse bit her lip to hold the tears back. She forced a smile and placed a hand on Lukas's shoulder. "I'm happy for you. I'm sure Petra would feel lucky to have a guy like you," Jesse said. Lukas looked up at her with hopeful blue eyes. "You think so?" he asked. Jesse choked back a sob as she nodded. Lukas smiled and hugged her. "Thanks, Jess. You're a great friend," he said. Jesse felt a tear fall down her cheek as her smile faded. "You too," she replied.


Petra walked with her two friends, Lukas and Jesse. They were hanging out in Beacontown together. "Hey, Petra, Lukas has something to ask you," Jesse said. Petra turned to look at her two friends. "What is it?" she asked. Lukas started blushing and he moved to stand behind Jesse. Petra raised an eyebrow at his behavior. "Willyougoonadatewithme?" Lukas quickly squeaked. Petra couldn't understand a word he said. "What Lukas is trying to say is 'Will you go on a date with him?'," Jesse sighed. Petra's sapphire blue eyes widened. "W-Well, sure," she replied. Lukas smiled and he nearly fainted. "What he's trying to say is 'How about we go to that new restaurant in town? I'll pick you up at seven'," Jesse said. "Sounds good. I'll see you then," Petra replied, walking away. Lukas stared after her with a dreamy look on his face. "If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up," he sighed. Jesse choked back a sob. 'Lukas is happy. And if he's happy, then you're happy too,' Jesse told herself.

Though she didn't believe herself.


Lukas squirmed as Jesse tried to get his bow tie right. "Stop squirming!" she said. "I can't! I'm too excited!" Lukas replied. He tried to remain as still as possible, but still as possible for him at the moment was squirming. "Do you want the tie to look crooked and silly? If not, then stand still!" Jesse ordered. After a few moments, Jesse stepped back and looked at Lukas. "Hmmm, there's something about it that needs to be changed," she muttered. Jesse turned to the table and looked at the supplies before finding what she wanted. "Aha!" she exclaimed as she grabbed it. A bottle of hairspray? "Close your eyes," Jesse ordered. Lukas did as he was told. He felt a hand start ruffling the hair on his head between sprays of hairspray. "Annnnnnnnnd done!" Jesse said. Lukas opened his eyes and looked in the floor-length mirror on the wall. He was wearing dark blue jeans with a white, long-sleeved dress shirt and bow tie. Black dress shoes were on his feet. His blonde hair was ruffled slightly and swept to the right, giving off a neat messy look. He smiled as he looked in the mirror. "Jess, you're a miracle worker," he said. "It's what friends are for," Jesse replied, her tone forced.

Lukas turned to look at Jesse, his smile falling. "Jess, what's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing," she quickly replied. Lukas could tell something was up. She had been acting weird the last few weeks. Ever since he told her he loved Petra. "Jess, I'm your friend. You can tell me anything," he quoted. "Now you're taking my lines?" Jesse asked, crossing her arms in fake annoyance. It was clearly forced. "Jess, there's something bothering you. Don't try to hide it. I'm right here," Lukas said. Jesse sighed. "You'd never believe me," she said. "And I said the same exact thing to you. But you believed me. Jess, I'm not going to stop asking until you tell me. Tellmetellmetellmetellme," Lukas replied. "Fine! I'll tell you," Jesse said. She turned her emerald gaze to the ground. Lukas waited patiently for her.

"My heart broke....."

Lukas's eyes widened. "I fell in love with a guy, and he went off and fell in love with another girl. Just seeing you so happy with the girl you love brought back the heartbreak, and I tried to hide it because I didn't want you to feel guilty that you were so happy and I was miserable," Jesse explained. Tears fell down her cheeks. Jesse quickly tried to wipe them away with a sniffle. Lukas gently took Jesse's hand. "I wish you would've told me sooner," he said. "I-I know.... I just didn't want to ruin your happiness..." Jesse replied. "Hey, if you ever need to talk to someone, I'm right here. You don't need to hold back your feelings or tears. I'll always be here for you," Lukas said. Jesse buried her face in Lukas's chest as she sobbed. Lukas hugged her comfortingly as he whispered soothing things to her. Eventually, Jesse's sobs turned to small hiccups. "I'm here for you. Now and always," Lukas whispered. Jesse pulled away from Lukas and smiled up at him through her tears. "You better get going. It's almost seven," Jesse said. Lukas smiled and hugged her again. "Thank you, Jesse," he said. "Anything," Jesse replied. They pulled away and Lukas ran out of her room, excited for his date. Jesse watched him leave and her smile faded. She hugged herself tightly, closing her eyes as if she could will away the heartbreak. She sniffled as tears fell down her cheeks.


Lukas smiled as he and Petra walked out of the restaurant. "That was great. Thanks, Lukas," Petra said. "I-It's not a problem," Lukas replied. Petra placed her hands on her hips. "Lukas, do you love me?" Petra asked. Lukas started blushing. "Y-Yeah," he replied. Petra sighed. He was so oblivious. "Lukas, I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same. Either way, there's someone else who loves you for you. You just never saw it because you believed you loved me," Petra said. Lukas looked up at Petra with wide eyes. "Who?" he asked. Petra sighed again, facepalming. "Lukas, she's been right in front of you this whole time. Ever since the EnderCon Building Competition when you first met. She was literally right in front of you. And you really hurt her when you told her you loved me," Petra replied. Lukas raised an eyebrow. Who was Petra talking about? His mind swam as he tried to figure out who Petra was talking about. "Go to her. I know deep inside that's who you truly love," Petra said. Lukas then shut off his thoughts. He allowed his heart to decide.


Lukas's eyes widened as he uttered her name. She truly was right in front of him. Petra nodded. "Go to her," she said. Lukas nodded and turned around, running at top speed to Jesse's house. When he reached it, he ran through the front door that Jesse had given him a key to. "Jess?" he called. No reply. Lukas ran through the house, checking every room for her. But she was nowhere to be found. Lukas eventually reached her room. The door was slightly ajar and Lukas could hear faint sobs from inside. He opened the door and looked inside. Jesse was laying on her bed, sobbing into her pillow. Lukas felt his heart break at the sight of her. The guilt of knowing he was the one who had caused her the pain she felt hit him like a ton of bricks. He walked over to her and sat on the edge of the bed. Lukas gently twirled pieces of Jesse's hair. "Jess...." he whispered. The young woman sat up slowly and turned to look at Lukas. Lukas held out his arms and Jesse threw herself into his embrace. Lukas held her close as she sobbed silently. "I'm so sorry, Jess...." he whispered. Jesse took a deep, shaky breath. "I-It's not your fault...." she replied. "It is. I didn't even realize how much I was hurting you by telling you I loved Petra. Truth is, my heart belonged to someone else and I didn't realize it until tonight," Lukas said.

Jesse felt Lukas kiss the top of her head. "I'm so sorry......" he whispered. Jesse pulled out of the hug. Her emerald eyes met Lukas' blue ones. Slowly she leaned forward. Lukas leaned forward as well. Their lips were only a centimeter apart. After a moment's hesitation, they kissed. Jesse's hands wound their way into Lukas's hair as he wrapped his arms around her waist. After a few moments, they pulled out of the kiss and touched their foreheads together. "I love you, Jess," Lukas whispered. "And I love you too, Lukas," Jesse whispered in reply. They smiled and gently kissed again.

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