Prisoner~Part 1

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Jesse's eyes fluttered open. It was dark, so it took a moment for her eyes to adjust. Eventually, she started to recognize things around her. Walls, floor, door, and a really tiny window. But other than that, there was nothing in the room. Jesse then realized her hands were hanging above her head. She tried to bring her hands down, but she couldn't. Jesse looked up and saw her wrists were cuffed and the cuffs were attached to chains which hung from the ceiling. Her feet were still touching the ground and weren't cuffed, thank goodness. Jesse tried to shake her hands to test out how strong the attachment between the cuffs and the chain was. But, sadly, they were brand new, so she wasn't escaping without a key. Or maybe an arrow to pick the lock. She sighed. What had happened to her? Jesse tried desperately to remember what happened and maybe find out a way to escape.

Jesse quickly ducked. Her opponent punched nothing but thin air. Jesse tried to grab her opponent's arm and succeeded in doing so. "JESSE!" someone shouted. Jesse turned to the voice and saw Lukas try to throw her her sword. Jesse reached a hand out and grabbed the sword, but in doing so her grip on her opponent was loosened and he managed to slip out of her grasp. "So we're playing that game, huh, Jesse?" he asked. He grabbed his sword and ran toward Jesse, his snake-like green-yellow eyes narrowed. Jesse put her sword up and blocked the attack, but just barely. She dodged another attack and got in an attack of her own, but her opponent managed to block her attack. It went back and forth, back and forth like this for about a minute. Jesse then heard someone cry out in pain. She looked over her shoulder and saw Lukas holding his side as his gloved hand started to stain red. "LUKAS!" Jesse shouted. She pushed her opponent away from herself and turned on her heel before running as fast as she could to Lukas.

He was desperately trying to block all the attacks coming at him from his two attackers. They both had enchanted diamond swords against Lukas's enchanted iron sword. Lukas had to hold one hand over the wound on his side to try to slow the blood flowing from it, which meant he only had one hand to wield his sword. The bad part was Lukas is a righty and the wound was on his left side, meaning his right hand was the hand over the wound while his left hand wielded his sword. One of his attackers managed to slice another cut on Lukas, this time it was his right shoulder. His left hand flashed out to hold the new cut while still holding the sword. The attackers then knocked Lukas down to the ground and held their swords up. "NO!" Jesse shouted. She rammed into the attackers and knocked them to the ground away from Lukas. The two attackers started to stand up but Jesse punched both of them, making them fall unconscious. She then turned to Lukas and ran back to him, kneeling beside him.

Jesse immediately looked through her inventory for some cloth. She didn't find any so she instead ripped off the sleeves of her T-shirt that she was wearing under her armor. Jesse then gently moved Lukas's shirt and jacket just a bit to reveal the wound on his side. She gently placed the cloth on his wound which made Lukas wince. Jesse gently pressed on the wound with the cloth, causing Lukas to stiffen to stop his winces. It was night in the middle of a storm, making it increasingly difficult to help Lukas. Jesse was so focused on making sure the wound stopped bleeding, she didn't hear the grass lightly crunch as someone crept up behind her. Lukas looked behind Jesse just as lightning split the sky, lighting up his surroundings, including the person behind Jesse. "Jess! Look out!" he tried warning. Jesse turned around just in time to see a fist swinging to her face, making everything fade into nothing but blackness.

(Longest flashback ever, I know)

Jesse opened her eyes. So that was what happened. That explained why she was in a prison. But where was everybody else? Ivor? Petra? Milo? The Founder? Lukas? If they harmed a single strand on anyone's head they would pay. The door creaked open, making Jesse look up at who entered. Her eyes narrowed as she saw their face. Those snake-like green-yellow eyes shone in glee in the darkness of the dungeon. "Why it looks like Jesse is finally awake," he said. "What do you want, Aiden?" Jesse asked. "Why, I only wanted people to know my name, act like I was a ruler of the world. Then you took that away from me, and I heard about how there was another world accessible by a portal key, otherwise known as an enchanted flint and steel. So now, I rule Sky City," Aiden replied. Jesse's eyes widened. If Aiden ruled Sky City, that means he could do whatever he wanted to her friends and get away with it. "Where are my friends?" she asked angrily. "Your friends? I didn't know you had friends," Aiden replied.

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