~Halloween Special (yes, I know it's late)~

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I guess there's a slight NSFW aspect about this chapter. I mean, there are vampires and the fact they have to bite into a person's neck to drink their blood, but it doesn't get worse than that. Sorry to any sinners that wanted more, but I don't write that stuff.


*Fate ~ AKA me, the author.


The blond male smiled as he waved to a small group of young trick-or-treaters. They all called thank you as they ran off to the next few houses, bags still not filled with enough candy. Lukas chuckled at their enthusiasm before closing his front door, placing the empty plastic cauldron of candy on the floor. His fingers flicked a light switch, his porch light turned off as a way to signal to any other kids that he had no more candy left. He turned away from the door and made his way to the living room, sprawling himself out on the couch. The blankets were wrapped around his body as he turned the TV on, preparing to watch a few movies before heading off to bed.

For a few hours, everything was quiet. The blond just sat and watched his movies, munching on some candy he had bought for himself, his blue eyes watching the movie that played intently. The kids had all but disappeared from the streets. Silence ruled the dark night, broken only with the faint calls of bats and hoots of owls and some rowdy teenagers. It was then that he jumped upon hearing a small tap at the glass, turning his wide blue gaze over to the window.

Sitting on the ledge outside was a small black cat. Its emerald green eyes glowed in the dark, having a strange human appearance to them. Upon seeing it had gotten his attention, the cat meowed pleadingly, pawing at the glass with its right front paw. Lukas raised an eyebrow in slight confusion as he stood up from the couch, letting the blankets fall as he made his way over to the window. He opened it, pushing it up to let the black cat step forward and rub against his hand. A loud purr erupted from the tiny thing, only increasing in volume as Lukas picked it up and sat back down on the couch after closing the window. His hand carefully ran through the soft black fur of the cat. "What were you doing outside girl? Are you lost?" he asked. The cat merely looked up at him, blinking her emerald green eyes as her gaze met his.

"You're lucky I love cats."

He stood up from the couch, holding the black cat loosely in his arms. His feet made their way to his room where he plopped down onto the bed, setting the cat down on the soft comforter. The room wasn't very big, but it was big enough for the queen-sized bed with a few bookshelves full of books, a dresser, and a desk with a laptop at it. As a freelance writer, Lukas spent most of his days staring at that laptop, sometimes he was at the desk, other times on the bed, or he might be on the couch. It varied from day to day, depending on how the blond felt.

Lukas slipped his socks and sweater off before hopping into the bed, beginning to drowse off as the cat carefully walked forward to lay beside his head. His drowsy blue eyes were parted ever so slightly to look at the black cat, his hand resting on her side. "I never gave you a name... How about... Twilight?" he yawned. The cat began to purr, her eyes closing in content. A smile crossed the blond's face as his diamond blue eyes began to close. "Yeah... Twilight..."

A pale hand carefully brushed against the blond's cheek. He was fast asleep, diamond blue eyes hidden behind his eyelids. The blond locks of his only contributed to hiding parts of his face, but that same hand brushed the strands away, her touch delicate. The moonlight streamed in through the curtains hanging up at the window, highlighting Lukas' face with soft blue light. His very, very faint freckles were brought out more under the light, the small dots crossing the bridge of his nose from one cheek to the other.

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