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Guys, I'm so sorry I haven't been updating that much recently. I'll tell ya why.

So, I'm a 13 year old 8th grade girl who has a very full plate. School ends next Friday, the sixteenth. On next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday next week there are two exams per day. So I'm forced to study for those exams all the while doing homework like exam review packets. Now add my normal after school schedule:

Monday- Dance from 7:30-9:00 PM
Tuesday- Nothing, most times I run errands or do homework.
Wednesday- Dance from 6:00-9:00 PM
Thursday- Tonight I have awards ceremony, normally I have nothing to do.
Friday- Nothing, but tomorrow is eighth grade dance.

And on next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I have dress rehearsal for my dance recital, which is going to be on Saturday the 17th. Then add surprise things like errands or dirt bike riding. And then add the fact my mom took away my laptop, thinking I was playing on it but I really was just listening to music while I did homework.

Deep breath. Okay, I just really needed to get that out so you can understand why I haven't been updating recently. Now, when school gets out, I'm gonna have a heck of a lot more free time to write fanfiction, but I'm also gonna play games and surf YouTube. But at least school will be done. Now, I better end this. I'll talk to ya guys later!

Lukesse Oneshots~2018 WattysWhere stories live. Discover now