Free~Part 2

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Time slowed. Lukas watched as Aiden let go of his hold on Jesse's hair. Her green eyes widened as she started to fall. Green eyes met Lukas's blue ones for a split second before time sped back up again. Jesse cried out in fear as she fell, down, down, down. "JESSE!" Lukas shouted. He averted his gaze from the ledge of cobblestone where Jesse had clung to the person who had dropped her into the Void. Aiden's snake-like eyes still retained their gleeful glint as he smirked. Lukas's grip on his sword tightened. He was going to make Aiden regret what he just did.

Aiden was, needless to say, shocked when Lukas ran towards him like a flash of lightning, tackling him to the cobblestone. Lukas could barely see what was happening in front of him. The rain pounded down as lightning split the night sky. His rage made his vision blurry. Lukas just threw punches Aiden's way, not even thinking about where they went. After a few punches, Aiden managed to land a punch on Lukas, sending the blonde backward off of Aiden. Lukas jumped up and glared at Aiden as he stood up. The two men stared each other down, both very furious. But, one was angrier than the other.

"Do you really think you can beat me, Lukas? Not even Jesse could! So what do you think you have that will beat me?" Aiden taunted. Lukas remained silent for a few moments, gazing at the ground. After those few moments, he looked back up at Aiden before speaking.

"I have friendship and love. And that gives me the strength to fight."

(Aghhhhh soooo cheesy and clichéeeeee)

Lukas rushed forward and swung out his arm, punching Aiden square in the jaw. Aiden staggered back as he held his jaw. A thin trail of blood went down to his chin. "Heh, now this is a fight!" he exclaimed giddily. He got in his fighting position. Lukas did the same. They stared each other down, their gazes hard.

Aiden rushed forward. Lukas rushed forward. Aiden threw a punch at Lukas, who managed to dodge it. Aiden threw another punch, but Lukas blocked it. Lukas then pushed Aiden backward. Aiden took a few seconds before running forward again. He threw quick successions of punches at Lukas, who dodged or blocked all of them. Aiden then threw a surprise punch which landed right on Lukas's stomach. Lukas staggered back and held a hand to his stomach. After a moment he ran forward and threw multiple punches at Aiden. Aiden managed to block or dodge most of them, but two of Lukas's punches hit their mark. By this time Aiden was tired of Lukas. So he threw as many punches at Lukas as he could, all in quick succession to the previous.

Lukas managed to dodge or block them. All except the final punch. Aiden threw a punch which landed right smack in the middle of Lukas's chest, which sent Lukas flying back nine feet onto the cobblestone. He groaned in pain coming from both the punch and his back hitting the stone. "Not even with the strength from your friends can be enough to stop me," Aiden taunted. Lukas flipped over and placed his hands on the cobblestone. He tried to push himself up, but his arms gave out and he fell back down. "Just give up, Lukas. You have no chance left," Aiden ordered. Lukas tried to push himself up again, but he failed to do so. Aiden sighed as he unsheathed his sword. Jesse had dropped it onto the cobblestone so she'd have another hand to hold onto the bridge with.

"It really is a shame. Imagine everything you could've had if you'd have sided with me! You could've had all the power in the world! You'd have ruled alongside the Blaze Rods! But you threw all that away when you decided that that little group with their pig was better! Now, this is where it's ended you up! The leader dead, the group fractured in different worlds, and you defeated!" Aiden shouted. "At least.... I had real.... friends...." Lukas choked out. Aiden's gaze narrowed in anger. He lifted up his sword and prepared to bring it down. Lukas shut his eyes, accepting the fact that he was about to die.


The sounds of metal clanging together before a shout of surprise and thump of someone hitting the ground in quick succession surprised Lukas. He felt a sudden sharp pain in his side. He felt someone grab one of his arms and place it over their shoulder. The person tried to pull Lukas up, but he was more of a dead weight. "Come on, Lukas! Get up!" a voice ordered. Lukas hung his head. There really was no more point to him to try and fight. The girl he loved was dead, and there was no way he could defeat Aiden. "Lukas, if you don't get up right now I'm going to have to drop you over the side of the island!" the voice threatened. "I don't care. Just let me die," Lukas dully replied. The person rolled their eyes before half-dragging, half-carrying Lukas off the bridge to the island. They gently set Lukas down against the wall inside the throne room. Lukas looked down at his side and saw the old wound reopened, blood freely flowing and pooling down onto the ground. The person saw it as well. "Oh my god!" they whispered. Lukas closed his eyes as everything started to fade. 'I lived a good life. Now I just want to be with Jesse...' he thought. Everything seemed to be growing farther away. But a sudden slap to his cheek brought him back to the present. His blue eyes shot open as he stared at the person.

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