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Wow. I got tagged now I have to tag some peeps and answer some questions. I'll get this over with quickly so I can continue writing fanfiction.

I tag:  @BlindAnimalNinja @MelanieTheWriter65 @NinjaUnicorn101 @RedtheRider @PrincessSapphire25  and @2WritingGirlz 

By the way, NO TAG BACKSIES!

Alright, on to the questions!

1: What fandom are you in?
MCSM, Aphmau, and......... that's all I got.

2: What's your OTP?

Hmmmmmmm, MCSM is Lukesse, Aphmau is Aarmau.

3: Have you ever written a book? If so, which is your most popular by views?

Yes, I do write books. Second, my most popular is Lukesse Oneshots.

4: Are you single? Taken? Or whatever?

I'm taken!

5: Boy or girl?

6: What social media are you most active at?


7: Favorite games?
MCSM, Minecraft, Sims 3.

8: Your top 3 colors that you think look good together?
White, black, teal.

9: Fave YouTuber?

10: How many followers do you have on Wattpad?

36 compared to my mere 1 before RedtheRider told everyone about me in her X'd Out fanfic.

Alright, I'm done!

Lukesse Oneshots~2018 WattysWhere stories live. Discover now