Always Be There

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Oh dear lord I am so sorry but it's REALLY sad. Prepare to weep until you have no tears left.


Lukas' gaze was hard as he walked up the stairs to the main room. This villain was going down once and for all and will pay dearly for kidnapping his best friend Jesse. He came to the top of the stairs and was met with a giant door made from precious materials like gold and silver. Lukas pushed the door open with both hands before he walked into the room. Sitting up in a regal, sparkly throne was the villain himself, basking in his seeming win.


Shetan turned his red gaze over to Lukas before sighing in exasperation. "You really don't know when to give up, do you?" he asked, turning his gaze back up to the vaulted, fancy ceiling. "I never give up, especially when you are holding a friend of mine captive," Lukas growled. Shetan smirked as he stood up from his throne. His evil laughter echoed through the large and mainly empty throne room. "You even have friends?" Shetan laughed. Lukas' fists clutched in an attempt to hold back his rage, and he instead grabbed and drew his sword out from his inventory. He aimed it at Shetan, his gaze hard and icy.

"Let Jesse go. Now."

Shetan burst out in laughter, almost as if Lukas had spouted a joke. After his laughter died down, Shetan snapped his finger and Jesse appeared next to him, floating in the air slightly with a rope tied around her wrists behind her back and a cloth gagging her. Her green eyes were filled with absolute fear and concern as they bore into Lukas, silently begging him to run. Lukas tore his gaze away from Jesse's, instead glaring at Shetan. "I'll free her, on one condition," Shetan said. "What is it?" Lukas asked.

"You give me the flint-and-steel and the Atlas."

Lukas recoiled slightly at Shetan's words. He knew Shetan wanted power, to rule over every world imaginable, but he couldn't give him the means to do so. Then again, he couldn't just leave Jesse in Shetan's hands. Jesse shook her head rapidly, trying to send a message to Lukas to not take the deal. Lukas looked at the ground, his heart and mind torn in a battle against what he should do. His brain told him to listen to Jesse, his heart said otherwise. It was no easy choice. "Tick tock, tick tock, Lukas!" Shetan taunted. "Give me the enchanted flint-and-steel and the Atlas, Lukas. Otherwise, Jesse DIES."

A: I accept the deal!
B: I'll never take it!
C: ...

Time almost seemed to slow as Lukas looked between Shetan and Jesse. Shetan was waiting impatiently, a threatening look adorned on his face. Jesse was struggling against her binds, her head shaking no, her green eyes pleading Lukas to not take the deal.

A: I accept the deal!
B: I'll never take it!
C: ...

"Don't hurt her! I-I acc-"

Jesse, in retaliation to make sure Lukas kept his mouth shut, struck her leg out and kicked Shetan. The man stumbled forward and nearly fell, but kept his balance. He turned around to look Jesse right in the eye, a dangerous glint in his red eyes that made Jesse shrink back. "You made the wrong choice," he growled, brandishing his red and black sword. Jesse shut her eyes tight, preparing for the final blow.




But, the blow never came.

Jesse forced her eyes open to see Shetan stumbling backward, a large hole in his chest where blood was pouring out. His sword clattered to the ground before he fell, his red eyes dulling and his breathing slowing before stopping completely. But Jesse was oblivious to that, and her mind was focused on the blond right in front of her. The rope binding her wrist together and the cloth gagging her disappeared, allowing Jesse to support a stumbling Lukas as he fell to the ground. "L-Lukas!" Jesse exclaimed. Lukas groaned as blood started to pool from the wound embedded in his chest. The sword had gone right through his heart. "L-Lukas, stay w-with me! Please!" Jesse pleaded, her hands gently cupping the sides of Lukas' face. "J-Jess.... I-I'm so-rry..." Lukas gasped out. "N-No, you aren't to blame! Please, just stay with me until you can get some help!" Jesse whimpered.

"Y-You know... It's ti-me...."

Jesse shook her head in a futile attempt to deny what was inevitable. "No... Don't say that! You'll get help and live a long life!" she tried to convince the blond. Lukas reached his hand to Jesse's cheek, using his thumb to wipe away a tear falling down. A faint smile came to his face as he looked on the ground next to Jesse.

"H-Hey... Reuben... You here... t-to ta-ke me away...?"

Jesse gasped in surprise as a hand went to cover her mouth. More tears fell down her cheeks as she saw Lukas look over to an empty space beside her. "L-Lukas... No... Please..." Jesse begged. The blond turned his fading blue gaze up to meet Jesse's tear-filled one. Slowly he tilted his head up and pressed his lips to Jesse's. The blond pulled away too soon, his eyes closed for good.

And that was when Jesse broke.

She wailed in pain, having lost the young man she dearly loved and had his soul taken away by her deceased best friend.

When her vocal cords grew tired, Jesse buried her head in her hands, sobs racking her body, tears leaving fresh trails down her pale cheeks. Eventually, she felt a hand placed on her shoulder, and then a moment later a pair of arms wrapped around her. A small head rested against her leg, a soft oink coming from it. Jesse slowly allowed her hands to fall down to her sides and she looked up to see a pair of blue eyes shining with stars gently looking at her. She then turned her gaze down to her lap to see the chocolate brown eyes of a certain pig staring up at her, shining with stars. Jesse wrapped an arm around the pig, and the other around the young man. Tears continued to fall down her cheeks as she felt them snuggle closer to her, in an attempt to comfort her.

Only a minute had passed when they had left Jesse's arms, backing up to stand side by side. Jesse watched them with eyes filled with tears as they waved in goodbye before fading from existence entirely.

'We'll always be watching over you... Even if things are rough... I love you...'

'Always know that if you ever need us, we'll always be there for you... I miss you, my best friend...'

Lukesse Oneshots~2018 WattysWhere stories live. Discover now