~A Princess's (Failed) Escape~

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-randomly gets idea for oneshot-

Huh, that's actually pretty cool.

-realizes that brain gave idea to make fully-fledged story-


So yeah sorry for the lack of updating. Yeah this will probably become its own story because my brain refuses to give me little oneshot ideas and rather gives me full story ideas. Thanks a lot, bro.


A whoop of excitement escaped the ebony-haired girl's lips, green eyes twinkling as her hair flowed in the wind rushing by her. Her hands held onto the leather reins tightly as she urged the black horse onward, galloping through the field as she made her way to the treeline. The horse snorted as his legs struck the ground with his powerful hooves, kicking up dirt as he galloped along through the green grass he would much rather be eating. His black mane and tail flowed behind him, blown back by the wind. The girl looked forward at the dense treeline, green gaze determined as she urged her horse on faster, trying to make it to the cover of the trees.

Almost there...


But not quite.

A second rider on horseback galloped by the girl and quickly halted in front of the big black horse. The horse snorted as he dug his hooves into the ground to stop before hitting the chestnut horse in front of him. The young man on the chestnut's back pushed back his blond hair as he smiled at the ebony-haired girl to his left, seeing her pink lips curl into a frown as she met his blue gaze with her green one. "Nice try, princess," the boy said. She rolled her eyes as another rider trotted up before stopping. The boy on the gray dappled horse breathed heavily as he looked at the two through his black hair. "Thanks for... waiting... for me..." he panted. The blond smiled innocently at his friend. "Sorry, Axel. I always forget you aren't as used to horses as other guards," he replied. Axel stuck his tongue out while his brown eyes glared down the blond before turning to face the ebony-haired girl, who had begun to back her horse away from them.

"Don't even try it."

She groaned before softly glaring at the two young men. With rolled eyes and good-natured smiles, the two young men urged their horses into a walk as they fell into step beside the girl. They made their way back in the direction they had raced from, seeing a large stone castle looming in the distance. "Why can't I explore outside the palace grounds?" she questioned. Axel sent a pointed look toward his blond friend, who cleared his throat as the ebony-haired girl turned to look at him. "As a princess, you are needed to be kept safe in the palace. You are-" "I'm the future queen and all that, but still! Come on, Lukas! Just this once?" she cut him off, green eyes wide with a silent plea. Lukas sent one look over at the girl before averting his gaze ahead of him. "Princess, do not try to use that face. You know it stopped working years ago," he stated. The princess's smile fell into a pout as her green gaze went to look at the black mane of her stallion.

Lukas' lips quirked in a faint smile before turning his gaze back ahead of him, the lush meadow turning to a well-kept garden as their horses' hooves clopped along the stone path. The horses knew the path to the castle stable well, brightening at the prospect of fresh straw to lay in and cool water to drink from and good oats to munch on. The stableman was so caring of each and every horse, taking time to make sure their coats shone in the sun and their manes and tails were free from any tangles or brambles. And when the stableman saw the three familiar horses and riders walk up, he instantly knew what had happened. "Again?" he questioned with a smile. "Again," Lukas and Axel replied at the same time. The two young men dismounted their horses before turning to the princess, sending her a pointed look that dared her to try and race off again. She sighed before dismounting the large stallion, handing the reins of his bridle over to the stableman.

Lukesse Oneshots~2018 WattysWhere stories live. Discover now