Pokemon Go

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I walked down the sidewalk, my eyes glued to my phone. "Where is it? Where is it?" I muttered. I was playing Pokémon Go, and I was trying to find the Pikachu somewhere in this dang town. The game had been updated, so there was special feature that involved sound indicating what, and where a Pokemon was. Right now, as I walked, the sound was getting louder and louder. I started running, following the sounds. Before I reached it, I suddenly ran into someone. I fell down as I closed my eyes. I landed on something, or someone. But I knew it definitely wasn't the sidewalk. Opening my eyes, I found myself face to face with Lukas, our lips touching. He had his phone in one hand, so I guess he accidentally wasn't paying attention like me and we ran into each other. Lukas was sitting on the sidewalk, and I had landed on his lap, accidentally kissing him.

"L-L-Lukas, I-I'm so sorry!" I stammered. I started blushing red as a razz berry (the berry to help capture Pokémon in Pokémon Go). "I-It's okay, Jess. I-I wasn't looking either." Lukas stammered. He was blushing as red as me. I quickly jumped up and held out my hand to Lukas. He took it and stood up. The Pikachu was long gone, so there was really no reason to try and find it again. "So, you play Pokémon Go, too?" Lukas asked. I nodded, knowing he was trying to break the awkwardness after the accidental kiss. "Y-Yeah. It is a popular game, you know." I pointed out. "Yeah, I guess." Lukas said. We stood there in silence, the awkward moment continuing.

-switch to my POV- 


I break the fourth wall and turn invisible. I push both Lukas and Jesse's heads closer until their lips touch. Their eyes are open in shock but they eventually close their eyes and melt into the kiss. I release my grip on both of them and close my eyes and swipe my hands. "My work here is done." I go back to my reality and fix the fourth wall.

~Jesse's POV~

I felt someone push my head to Lukas's. My eyes widened in shock as our lips touched again. Lukas looked just as shocked as me. After a moment, I close my eyes and wrap my arms around Lukas's neck. He wrapped one of his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. He held my chin up with his other hand. The invisible force holding me in this predicament released its grip. Normally I would have immediately pulled away, but I stayed where I was. After a few moments, Lukas and I pulled away. The light pink blush dusted my cheeks as Lukas looked at me with his sea blue eyes. "I love you, Jess." Lukas said. "I love you too, Lukas." I replied. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his again, happy to finally confess my feelings to him. Whoever had caused that other kiss, I want to find out who to say thanks.


So, another oneshot done. Hope y'all enjoy the little interference at the end. Always a pleasure to help get my ships sailing. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy!


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