Real or Not?

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Jesse cautiously looked around the empty tower, not exactly being fond of how her voice echoed through the halls. Her footsteps were slow and quiet, stepping carefully over the carpeted floor.

Jesse stopped at hearing another set of footsteps.

She listened, still and silent. Her breathing was growing faster, and she tried to slow it down, as well as her erratic heart. Her green eyes were wide with fear, as she had no clue who was behind her.

A sword being drawn split the silence.

Jesse barely dodged to the side, grabbing her own sword in the process, before her opponent's sword came slicing through the air where she had once stood. She quickly spun around, blocking another attack, now able to see her attacker.


Lukas' blue eyes glared her down, filled with determination and fury. He didn't back down upon meeting Jesse's green gaze, full of surprise. His normally smiling face was now twisted into a scowl, his eyebrows furrowing down in rage.

"Lukas, it's me!" Jesse exclaimed. "It's just one of your stupid tricks, Admin," Lukas spat. Jesse's gaze grew hurt by Lukas' words. Not even her own friend recognized her?

Lukas, upon seeing the hurt in Jesse's eyes, faltered in his confidence. It was so genuine, almost like it was really Jesse.

"How do I know it's really you?" Lukas asked, his gaze wary and stance tensed. Jesse was flooded by relief at being given a chance to prove it was really her.

"Remember when we met? We were little kids who loved building and adored the Order of the Stone. You saved me from those bullies who thought my adoration for pigs was weird."

Lukas' stance started to relax.

"We swore to be friends forever, but we eventually lost contact until we met at the Building Competition on opposite teams. We never really recovered our friendship until during the Witherstorm."

Lukas's grip on his sword loosened.

"We had so many adventures after that. Sky City, the murder mansion, PAMA, the Old Builders Competition, and we got through all of them together."

Lukas' muscles slowly released the tension they contained.

"If I were the Admin, I wouldn't do this."

Jesse backed up, dropping her sword to the ground. Lukas looked between Jesse and her sword, confusion alighting his gaze. Slowly he sheathed his sword.

Jesse's gaze lifted as Lukas walked forward, meeting her gaze. Lukas saw genuine joy and relief in the green depths, and instantly he knew it was really Jesse.

He tightly hugged her, feeling Jesse wrap her arms around him. Jesse buried her face in his chest, tears slowly falling onto the orange shirt. Lukas choked back tears, a smile forming on his face.

"I'm so glad you're okay....." Jesse whispered. "And I'm glad you're alive....." Lukas replied. Slowly Jesse pulled away, still in Lukas' embrace, and she leaned forward, pressing her lips to Lukas'.

Lukas's eyes widened as Jesse pulled away, her cheeks dusted a faint pink. Lukas was sure his own blush made Jesse's seem pale in comparison.

"I really wanted to do that for the longest time."

Lukas smiled and softly chuckled. Jesse looked up to meet his gaze, just in time to see him kiss her.

Jesse smiled as her eyes closed, kissing Lukas back for just a moment. They pulled away, foreheads resting against each other.

"What did we miss?"

Lukesse Oneshots~2018 WattysWhere stories live. Discover now