Surprise FUN

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After the show was over we moved backstage once more. After Derek was escorted out things had gone smoothly and no one was the wiser. We chatted away as the cast filed in and out of the common room. Several stopped to talk to us, asking us what we thought from the new vantage point. 

"Okay girls you ready to head home?" Lin asked a little later. He was back in his street clothes and looked ready to fall asleep. "We aren't stage dooring tonight, I don't want to put you three through that sea of people. So let's go before I fall asleep on you guys."

We all piled into Lin's car with me in the front seat. I was glad my wheelchair fit in the trunk or we'd have to leave someone behind. We got home and Lin headed straight for bed. Us girls headed to my room to chill out and talk.

"So we have a month or so to plan the best birthday bash ever" Skye said grinning. "I know we gotta get Halloween together but your birthday is right after that. Do you have anything you want to do?"

"Yeah, what would be fun for the three of us to do?" Katie asked.

"I dunno, usually my birthday was just another day" I answered. "It was never a big fuss even before I moved in with my aunt and uncle."

"Well it's time all that changed" Skye said grinning. "How about we go see something other than Hamilton."

I covered my ears "NO! That would be like death..well maybe not. I kinda do want to see Wicked or Les Miz or maybe even Newsies."

"How about Wicked!" Katie grinned. "My mom knows someone who can get us awesome seats. I mean that is if the birthday girl wants to go?"

"Hell yeah" I nodded. "We'll have to have an adult chaperone though, I mean I doubt my parents will let me go otherwise. Maybe I can ask one of the cast members who could take off. I know Papi can't, he's well the main lead after all."

"Same with Chris. Hey what about Thayne" Skye suggested. "I bet he would be up for an adventure! Plus he could always use an excuse to get more cookies from wherever we eat beforehand."

"SARDI'S" both Katie and I say at the same time. I chuckled "I've been wanting to go there all my life. I know my parents can get us a reservation there. I am glad I have you guys around, you make life so much more fun."

They both nodded as we began to get ready for bed. I was putting on my gown when I felt some tingling in my lower legs. I brushed it off as just something else, I had only been feeling the bottom of my foot until this point. I rolled back out into my room and grinned "So tomorrow we are doing something fun. It must be Schuyler sister related, since that is our costumes."

~~~LIN'S POV~~~

I made sure to wake up extra early so that I could tape the girls reactions when they opened the door to Dania's room the next morning. They didn't disappoint me at all and I knew Twitter would love their reactions.

"WHAT THE..." Dania squealed as Katie and Skye stopped dead in their tracks behind them. During the night or very early this morning 3 cardboard cutouts of the Schuyler sisters had appeared in front of her door. On them said "Come have an adventure of a lifetime today."

"Surprise" Vanessa said as she came around the sign. "You girls are about to have a day in the life of the Schuyler sisters."


"NO WAY!!!" We all screamed which woke up Sebastian. "Oops sorry Mami" I said as she ran into the nursery.

"Let's move this downstairs" Papi suggested. "You girls gotta eat because otherwise you won't have the energy to keep up with our plans today."

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