Diary of Me 3

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Dear Diary:

What a weekend I have had! My birthday party was a success and Skye kissed me again. Oh my word can I tell you that was a OMG moment. I kinda want to see where this takes us but I am scared that it will end up tanking. I cannot ask my parents for help as I'm not sure how they feel on this subject. For now I will just write it all down in here, in my new diary thanks to Dr Wilson. Oh and on another note today I stood up for about 5 seconds. My legs gave out from under me but luckily I fell onto my bed and not the floor. My parents are both going to be gone tomorrow with work so I am going to work on standing some more.

Dear Diary:

Well I am offically back on my feet so to be speak. I am certainly NOT walking yet or not even close. The  last few days though I have been able to stand longer and longer but I fear that my left leg may be weak from possibly the accident. I will have to see as I begin to actually walk. This weekend we are going to put up the tree and decorate the house. I also get to go to the theater and help decorate Papi's door for the contest. Also we found out more about the field trip to see Hamilton. It would seem Tommy Kail was behind the trip in actuality. It was something that Papi had said that tipped him off though. He is going to use us at test subjects and go from there. Anyway tomorrow Skye and I are going to the movies. I guess it's kinda a date but not, I'm not sure.

Dear Diary:

It WAS a date and it felt right! Okay I am NOT coming out, at least not yet. I mean I am only 15 years old, do people even come out at this age? I mean Skye hasn't told anyone either so I guess I will take my cues from her. We held hands in the dark theater and shared a drink. I feel so comfortable being around her and she sees me and not my disability. Oh and I actually took ONE whole step today before I fell. That's a start right? Anyway Skye and Katie are coming over tomorrow to help us decorate the house! I cannot believe it will be December 1st in three days! This year has flown by so fast.

Dear Diary:

Well I guess I got my answer as to what at least my Papi will think if Skye and I dated. He caught us laughing and joking in my bedroom before Katie got there. He saw us holding hands but when we saw him he was already gone. He has to go to the theater later for some meeting so I won't really get to talk to him until tomorrow about it. Decorating the house was a blast! We put up lights on every surface that did not move, even Sebastian got into it. He got to hang his first ornament as well, a toy train. I got to put the star on top of the tree with a lift from Papi. We then strang popcorn eating about half of it as we made garlands for the tree. We also made star-shaped cookies to harden to put on the tree. Christmas music was blasting throughout the house the whole time. Katie told Skye and I that she and Brady were dating kinda. She explained that they were going to take it slow and see what happened. We both were happy for her and we knew Brady would be a great fit for her. I wanted to tell Katie I had someone but I think Skye's look made me realize it wasn't time just yet. Later after everyone left we turned out the lights in the apartment and sat under the christmas lights. We had a fire in the fireplace and just enjoyed family time WITHOUT electronic interruptions.

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