July 6th

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Dear Diary 7/6/16:

I wrote today's date at the top because it's going to be one long day. We are doing the last Ham4Ham of Papi's run and I'm going to be apart of it. He is going to read a special letter and then we are going to sing to him. I am not sure how I will make it through this without crying. Mami is going to be there as well as she is filming it to show Sebastian when he is older. He really doesn't get why we are all sad today.

"Come on Sebby we have to leave soon" I sighed trying for the third time to get my little brother dressed. He was going to wear the same shirt we all were wearing that day but he was having none of it. I sighed "I'll give you a cookie if you'll just let me get this shirt on you."

At the mention of a cookie he calmed down and I was able to finally get him dressed. I picked him up off the bed and we walked downstairs where everyone was already dressed and ready to go. I picked up a package of his Thomas Cookies and opened them. He happily munched on them as we made our way down to the car.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked Lin as we drove toward the theater. I could tell he was a little nervous by how he was drumming on the steering wheel. I loved it when Vanessa took his hand and held it.

"I think I am" he sighed. "This has been my baby for over 7 years now and today is one of my last shows. I was there for the first lottery and it's fitting that I finish with this one. I know what I'm going to do and you know your part. I just am not ready to see how big a crowd we will have."

I laughed "Oh I am sure that crowd is going to be insane. Good thing our places are already staked out. I would hate to have to fight that crowd to get down in front."

We made it into the theater through the back entrance as it wasn't possible to get to the stage door. Pretty much the whole cast was there to witness Lin's final Ham4Ham. Also Pippa and Leslie would come out at the end for the happy trails part. I had been asked if I wanted to hold a sign but I knew I wouldn't make it without crying so I declined.

I turned to Pippa smiling "It's not going to be teh same without you here. I like Lexi alot but I am going to miss you."

She hugged me tightly "You'll do just fine. I'll still be around and come visit as often as my schedule permits. Plus you have Renee and Jaz to keep you company and give Lexi a chance, you'll love her."

I smiled "I promise I will. It's just gonna be different with you guys gone."

Soon it was time for Mami and I to take our places. We were surronded by so many fans that it felt overwhelming. I chatted with a couple girls who were my age as we waited for it to begin. It was nice to see kids so interested in musicals still.

I gave Papi a wave as he came out the stage door. He shut it as he would do the first part alone. I was glad Mami was filming this as I was in tears from the moment he began reading Alex's letter to Eliza. Once Leslie and Pippa joined him I was a quiet sobbing mess. I didn't know that this would effect me so much, I was worried how I would handle the 9th.

Once they had finished singing he motioned for me to come under the ropes. With help from security I made my way to him. "Ladies and gentlemen don't fret, the miranda pressence will still be at the show for another little while. Dania is staying with the ensemble for a bit longer. I am delighted to have my daughter following in my footsteps."

The crowd cheered for me as was made our way back inside. Once there I was enveloped in a hug from Pippa. Then Leslie gave me a hug and then it was Papi's turn. He rubbed my back "Hey it's okay, you can stop crying now. Your going to be a mess on the 9th'' he teased.

"Oh I know it" I laughed wiping at my tears. "I will need to stock up on tissues just for the show alone."

He chuckled "Good thing your in the show that day! Otherwise the audience might need rain coats if they were sitting near you.''

I blushed and nodded as we moved to join the rest of the cast for warmup's. It felt so weird knowing these were the last few days of doing this with my dad. I planned to enjoy every last minute of it.

That is the shirt Lin wore at the final Ham4Ham. I wear mine seriously all the time!

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