A Day in the Life

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"KIMMIE!" I squealed as I gave her a tight hug after running up 3 flights of stairs. "I am so excited for this 2 show day! I cannot believe I finally get to see you in action."

Kimmie grinned "I am happy to have your help Dania. Our first stop is the costume department today because Leslie is out and Andrew is in. We have to pick up understudies costumes when the man person is out."

I nodded as I followed her back downstairs to the costume area. I held the costumes as she pulled what pieces she would need for Andrew. I knew the stuff for Uncle Chris was already waiting for us upstairs. I chuckled "So how far in advance do you know about cast changes for the day?"

"About the same time you know whether you are just woman 3 or Peggy/Maria" she explained. "I never get a text far enough in advance just normal time like the rest of the cast. This is why I arrive so early, let's head back up and make sure we have everything for both Andrew and Chris."

When we arrived in Leslie's room we hung up Andrew's costume pieces and Kimmie then handed me a clipboard. The first page had the Burr checklist and the second page had the Washington checklist. She then began rattling off information as I checked all she called off.

"We have everything up until Wait for it on this side" she explained as we went around the wardrobe hanger in the middle of the room. "On this side we have Wait for it through the end of act one. The act two pieces are over here" she explained as we moved to another rack that was against the wall. I recognized several of the pieces as she called them out for me to check off.

Once we were done with Andrew's costume checklist we headed down to Uncle Chris' room. I smiled as we opened the door to find him in there answering fan mail. I gave him a quick hug "We're just here to make sure all your costume pieces are here for when we help you with costume changes."

He nodded as he went back to writing some more fans back.  Once we finished checking off the things from his closet we headed back to the green room. Kimmie showed me where she checked off things for the show. She also showed me the storage area for quick changes during each act.

"Now we're off to help Andrew get ready" she said as we headed back upstairs. "When Leslie is here it's the last 5 minutes before we get him ready. For Andrew he likes to get ready much earlier and I can't say I blame him."

She showed me what pieces went in which order as she handed Andrew things to put on. She also explained that it was much easier for there to be a dresser then to have them dress themselves. I could understand why as there were several different pieces to each outfit.

"So that's that" Kimmie smirked "until all the quick changes backstage. We just need this coat and the hat" she said pointing to the tri-corner hat. "Once the show starts you know exactly how busy it gets backstage. We have to be ready in our own little space."

"Yeah I remember passing you a few times standing off to the side. So we hang out there while waiting to hand them costume pieces for the next scene?" I asked

She nodded "Exactly as they don't have time to run back up here between scenes. We just have to make sure we stay out of the way of others crossing through."

Once places was called we headed to the little alcove. I noticed that it was rather big because it had all the first act quick changes.  Kimmie showed me the pieces she would need first and told me to be ready as soon as my shot was finished.

Once My Shot was over it was a fast paced zoo as everyone grabbed their next costume pieces as they hurried to get back out onstage. I was glad I had been through this madness before as I knew what to do and how to keep out of the way. I made sure that Kimmie had what she needed and soon everyone was back in place.

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