Do Something amazing pt. 2

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Once we left the stage I was mobbed by the cast congratulating me. I knew when Lin arrived when the sea of people parted and I was picked up and twirled around. I laughed "Papi please put me down, I'm getting dizzy."

"I am so very proud of you!" He said hugging me tight. "You blew the whole audience away with your amazingness. No one could believe you were just 15 years old! I swear they all thought you were 18 or older."

"With this makeup  and clothes I certainly could pass for it, not that I would try to. Where's Mami and everyone else? I need to get changed and we need to go eat as I am starving" I said chuckling.

"In your dressing room, they wanted me to be the first one to congratulate you. Whatever notes Andy and Alex might give you, just remember you were amazing. I will see you back downstairs in a bit" he said as I hurried upstairs.

"MY LOVE" Skye tackled me the second I walked in the door. I could hear everyone laughing behind her.

"I...CAN'T...BREATH" I said trying to disentangle myself from her tight hug. She laughed and let go of me "Thank you my love. So I take it you and Katie loved the rest of the show?"

Katie nodded from her seat in the window "Holy shit you pulled off a totally different Maria then I ever thought possible and that's saying something. You gave her a bit of edgy but innoncence that is uniquely you. I was so proud that I am one of your best friends."

Skye nodded "I had to keep my eyes closed cause I couldn't watch you and Javi but you sounded amazing. I know it's just acting but still it's a little weird watching your girlfriend on stage like that. I am still extremely proud of you though, you are going to go far in this world."

As I began to get out of my costume I realized just how much tonight would change my life. I now could add to my resume something really big! I looked over at Mami as I pulled on my A.Ham t-shirt "What did you think?"

Vanessa took a moment and then smiled "You were amazing. Had I not known better I would've thought we had raised you from birth. On that stage tonight you took everything Lin and I have ever taught you and put it on that stage. You looked at home in that role tonight, you owned it."

I wiped at my tears as I pulled on my shoes. Renee smiled at me "Don't listen to the detractors, there will be some. People are going to say mean things in the next few days but it's because they are jealous. They like to put us down when we do something amazing and it hurts but it's just part of being a star. I learned to get a thick skin and quick and you will need to as well. Ask your dad sometime about his first nasty rejection, it will change your prespective on some things. Anyway you did one hell of a job chica and don't let anyone tell you different."

Once we were finished dressing we all walked back downstairs together. I took Skye's hand as we approached the stage door. I looked for Papi but didn't see him, my guess is he slipped out the back door. We walked out into the mass of people and all I heard was people calling my name.

After almost an hour of signing stuff I was glad to be in the car headed to supper. We were going to our favorite Mexican place with several of the cast and crew. I sat squished between Skye and Katie in the car with Lin and Vanessa. We all chatted about different things but stayed away from the topic of the show.

Once we had placed our orders at the restaurant Lin took me aside. We went and sat at an empty booth in the back. He smiled "So Renee told me she told you about my first nasty rejection or at least told you to ask me about it."

I nodded "She said it might enlighten me on what is to come. I thought I already had a thick skin with all we'd been through but maybe she's right. So what is the story anyway?"

"I was 20 and at college. I had just presented my first rough draft of In the Heights to a bunch of students and professors. Most everyone said they liked it and hoped that I would complete it. One professor though, Dr. Ghorman, had a very different opinion. He was old school and taught music theory and technique and a few other classes. He was the one everyone looked up to and revered. If he failed you in a class the whole music department would fail you. Anyway I thought he liked me well enough and I had aced his class but after he saw the production I got a rather nasty surprise. In the school newspaper that was published bi-weekly he wrote an article summing up my presentation."

He sighed as he took a moment to collect his thoughts. He then continued 'In short he said "Lin-Manuel Miranda's foray into writing musical theater should be put to a stop after this week's performance of his new show. It was all hip-hop and salsa and meaningless worth. The scenes and dialogue made no sense to anyone not living in the area he portrayed. He made no effort to bring the audience in and explain to them what they were seeing. The show will never make it out of this university and i hope that Mr Miranda will find another course to pursue as playwriting is not a good fit.''

I looked at Papi in shock "Has this guy seen what you have done since you graduated college? I bet you would love to rub it in his face at just how successful you have become."

He smiled "Actually right after In the Heights had it's Broadway debut I had a nice long conversation with him. He told me that he now realized how wrong he was when he wrote the article. I wish he could've been here when Hamilton opened but he died a few years back. He was a big influence on the person I am today. You will always have people who will put you down and tell you to quit but if this what you truly want to do then you have to plow through."


Friendly reminder that this is a work of FICTION. People, places, and thing depicted in this story are not always true to life.

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