Do Something Amazing

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I wrote this chapter around the coloring am page you see at the top.  I hope you guys are enjoying them as much as I love coloring them!

"But Papi I don't want to!" I said flopping back down in the bed. It had been 2 weeks since his last show and today was a big day. What made this day different than others was that Jasmine was sick yesterday and it seemed her understudy had caught it. I was made aware of this late last night and was given the opportunity to step in by Tommy. I was scared to death as I was only 15 and I wasn't sure I could pull this off.

"You have studied with both Renee and Jasmine and know their roles inside and out. Tommy and Alex both believe you can pull it off. Is it the Maria part that is scaring you?" he asked.

I sighed and nodded "I'm not sure I can pull it off. I mean I can pull off young and innocent Peggy. Maria is a totally different character who has to be portrayed much older than I am. I don't want to let everyone down when I screw it up."

"You won't, you have to believe in yourself and trust your cast. You have a choice to do something amazing today! Are you really going to let your nerves get the better of you?" he asked sighing.

"No...I am just glad you and Mami are going to be in the audience for this. I hope Skye and Katie can make it too. I just.." I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"You listen to me kiddo" he said taking me into his arms and holding me close. "You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. You are going to step out on that stage and be amazing. This is why Tommy gave you the chance to study these roles, so that when the chance came up you could take it. If he didn't think you could do it he wouldn't have let you study them. When the time comes for you and Javi to do the Maria part trust in him. He will guide you through it. Don't overthink this, we will be there to support you every step of the way. I am so proud of you, never forget that!"

I sighed and nodded "Okay I won't forget that. I will do this Papi, I know that I can. I have everyone there rooting me on."

"NOw that's the spirit" he grinned. "We leave for the theater in 2 hours so be ready."

When we got to the theater both Renee and Lexi were waiting for me. They ushered me up to their dressing room telling LIn that he could see me once I was ready. I sighed watching them drag out all the makeup and stuff.

"How are your nerves?" Lexi asked me as she began to apply the Peggy makeup. "Renee and I are going to help you every step of the way. Follow our lead okay?"

"My nerves are shot" I said honestly. "I know I can make it through act 1 just fine, it's act 2 that is scaring me. I have to do most of that alone without my sisters."

"Javi will lead you in that act" Renee promised. "Trust me we will be there in spirit during that act.  Nothing is going to go wrong and you will do amazing."

Lexi nodded "You have been practicing this now for weeks. You have the role down pat just like you do Renee's. It's time to just trust in yourself and what you have worked so hard on."

I nodded "Thanks! I knew I could count on my sisters to have my back. The audience is about to get a big surprise tonight."

Once I was in my first dress they allowed Lin back into the room. He smiled at me "You look so grown up in that dress. Your Mami is going to be so surprised and proud.   Both Katie and Skye got seats for the show as well. They don't know your going on as Peggy right?"

I shook my head "I didn't want them to know ahead of time, I wanted to surprise them. I can't wait to see their reactions."

Papi and I parted ways as I headed to the prayer circle and he headed for his seat. Everyone gave me hugs and told me to break a leg. Javi pulled me aside "You got this! Trust in us as a cast, we have your back."

I smiled "I know Javi, I just have to put the negativity out of my mind."

He nodded "YOu are about to do something amazing today, don't forget that. Remember this moment for the rest of your life. I will see you on the other side" he grinned hugging me one more time before taking his place.

The first time I went on stage during the Schuyler sisters I could hear two very audible gasps. I knew exactly who they were. I couldn't find them at that point but I couldn't wait until intermission. I found it hard though not to go to my spot during several songs when I thought I was to be on as an ensemble member. I loved every moment though of playing Peggy in the first act.

As soon as non-stop ended I raced up the stairs with Renee and Lexi. I had a little time before i took the stage again. We were working on adjusting my makeup when both Katie and Skye busted through the doors.

"YOU...YOU...YOU" Katie said out of breath while Skye just stared at me in the red dress.

"Yes...I am playing Peggy tonight and Maria" I chuckled as I waited for them to say more. "I wanted to surprise you guys. I'm sorry I hope your not mad."

"Mad hell NO" Skye said finding her voice. "A little surprised YES! I mean come on this is BIG news! How in hell are you so calm for act two?"

"Katie breath please" I chuckled as I went over and hugged her. "I am keeping in mind what Javi and Papi said before I went on, that today I was going to get to do something amazing. It may be my first and last time for now but I am going to make the most of it. I am trusting Javi very much in the second act."

"I'm okay now" Katie chuckled. "It's just a big thing that your best friend is playing one of the main lead roles. Oh shit" she said as they announced 5 minutes to places.

"Love you" Skye said giving me a quick kiss and then Katie gave me a hug. "We will see you as soon as the show is over."

I nodded as they headed back downstairs. Both Renee and Lexi promised to see me before I took my place. I nodded as I sat and waited in the room. Rory came by and we chatted for a bit before I heard cabinet battle 1 end. I made my way downstairs to be in place for when Take a break ended.

Several of the ensemble gave me words of encouragement as I waited to take my place. Thayne actually stayed with me until Renee and Lexi made it off stage. They both hugged me and walked me to right before the audience would see me. I moved onto the turntable and took a breath.

Throughout the song I had to remind myself that none of this was real and I was safe with Javi. I remembered all my cues and did exactly everything I was told. When the song was over the applause was loud. I could hear both my parents above them all.

I sat down on the couch to wait until I had my next cue which was in the Renyolds pamphlet. Several people came over to talk to me and make sure I was okay. I actually was in fact doing okay at that point. I still had one more number before I got to be Peggy again.

When we got to the last song I was actually happy with how the show had gone. I felt confident that if they asked me again I would do it in a heartbeat. The curtain call was amazing to say the least. I got some of the loudest claps in the whole cast and both my parents and friends were the loudest in the audience.

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