Birthday Fun

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Today was going to be fantastic in so many ways, Papi was going to be so surprised. I woke up super early to make sure his gift was in place before he got up. I smiled as Skye got up to help me move the big box to the living room.

"Do you think he'll like it? I mean it is a pretty specific gift and all" she said smiling as we finally got it into place.

"Hell yeah" I said chuckling. "It's something that I know he has been eyeing for a long time. Thankfully I found it at a reasonable price and got it here on time. I know he's going to be so surprised."

"Good morning girls" Mami said as she entered the living room. "You two are up so early. I guess you wanted to beat Papi to get up and stuff. You know the plans for the day right?"

I nodded "Yes we both do. We cannot wait to surprise him later in the day. Have you talked to them yet to make sure they know the plans?"

Mami nodded "Yep your Abuelo and Abuela will be meeting us for a late lunch and then we are off to see the show. I know you are just as excited as he will be to see this show."

I nodded "Yes I am! We've seen it a dozen or so times in the states but I cannot wait to see how Les Miz compares here in London. Plus it'll give us all an excuse to get all fancied up. Did you get your present together for Papi?"

She nodded "Yes I did. I can say for sure he will be pleasently surprised. Why don't we work on breakfast until he and your brother wake up?"

Both Skye and I nodded as we moved to the kitchen to get the food cooking. We fixed waffles and bacon, and while we were finishing up Papi and Sebastian moved into the kitchen.

"So what's in the big box?" Papi said chuckling. "It must be a big day or something around here."

"Just somebody famous' birthday is all" I grinned giving him a hug. "Happy Birthday Papi. How did you sleep? Feeling any better?"

"Much better kiddo" He nodded as he sat down to dig into his food. We discussed what the plans were for the day leaving out the big surprises. We let Papi think we were just going out to eat and then maybe to a movie. We also talked about the upcoming vacation that he and Mami were planning.

"So Uncle Chris will be here on Friday and you guys will be back the following Tuesday right?" I asked as I finished off the last piece of bacon.

"Yes that's right" Mami nodded as she began clearing the dishes. Skye and I got up and helped her clear them. "You stay put" she said to Papi "it's your special day after all."

Once the dishes were put away we moved to the living room where the presents had been set up. I smiled at Papi "Why don't you open the gifts that came in the mail first. We'll save the big box until last."

He nodded sighing as he reached for a box from the stack of presents that had been delivered to our flat. From the boxes he received a set of history books from a fan, a bunch of letters from the Broadway cast, some of his favorite candies from Uncle Chris, and a bunch of fan art that someone had bound into book form. He opened the box from his parents to find some gift cards to his favorite online stores.

"This is from me" Mami said handing him a small flat box. "Well me, Sebastian, and the baby of course. I hope you might wear it while we are on our trip."

He opened it up to find a He-man shirt that he had been eyeing forever along with several other vintage cartoon shirts. He grinned "You knew I had been eyeing these forever! Thank you" he said giving her a deep kiss which made all of us blush.

"Now time for the big present" I said breaking up their little love fest. "This is from me and Skye and Uncle Chris. He helped me find this and I think your really going to love it!"

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