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"Condition for saving his own damn daughter?" I asked him a bit hurt.

"Calm down, Aliha. Don't make a big deal out of it" He said taking my hand in his. However I yanked it away.

"Make a big deal out of it? What was his condition?" I asked him raising my voice a little knowing that something I wouldn't like would come out of his mouth.

"Tell me what was the condition for saving me?" I asked again.

There were silence. Total silence.

"Ali I am aski-" I yelled when he cut me off.

"You need to calm down." He told me.

If you weren't the love of my life. I would have said something that could have hurt you. However when I think about it now then it surely won't mean anything to you. The things you said yesterday they still touched me really hard. If it was in my hand then I would never forget it, however I still have a hope inside me. A hope of you remembering all the beautiful memories we have and all the happy moments we have had together.

I know it must be sounding weird that I am saying I have a hope. But tell me is it my fault that you just left me without any explanation. I at least deserved that, didn't I?

"Just tell me what is it he want" I told him talking really low while walking backwards and sitting on the bed.

He sighed before kneeling down in front of me and then looking at me.

"Aliha, I don't know what it was that had happened between you and your family that you decided to leave them and I wouldn't even interfere, but you need to understand that you need protection and you do know it better than me. You father does have dangerous connections who can put your life in danger and he is doing everything in his hands to keep you safe." He said.

"It's all about protection, isn't it?" I asked him knowing very well where this conversation is going and I promise you that it isn't something that I would like.

"No. It's about being with the people you love. They have waited for you for years now. They are craving to see you." He explained looking me in the eyes.

Ali, do you know that you are hurting me indirectly? How come you saying these things when you were the one breaking up with me. I have realized that people only love me in a period of time and then they leave me. This time I left them before they could leave me and I don't regret it and never would.

"They don't care for me" I said to myself however he heard it.

"They do, and that's why Izyaan came to save you." He pointed out making me shake my head.

"He did, however there is no one better than you knowing that they had conditions. Am I wrong?" I asked him.

There were silence.

The protection you are talking about. It's something he have been giving me by all the guards he send to me and I will never forget how some of them tortured me. It can't be true that he doesn't know anything about how they were "taking care" of me. Even though he knew it he didn't do anything about it, and now he is saying that he cares. Why? What is he planning?

"He just want me to bring you back home, Aliha" He said making me flinch at the words. Usually people feel safe being home, however it's the opposite in my case. I felt like tears were daring to free themselves from my eyes, remembering the fight I had with dad before leaving them.

"He wants you back and he wants you to be a part of their family because you are." He added making the tear roll down my eyes.

You don't know me anymore Ali, so you wouldn't be able to understand why I am feeling horrible.

AN ADORABLE SOUL (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now