James Imagine

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Your a Judge on X Factor

Your a judge on X factor and you have the groups.
Sean and Conor Price
The Cutklevins
Jack and Joel

You love being their mentor but you an issue......  Myles from Rak-Su likes me but I have a boyfriend, James McVey.

It's very annoying but you can't hate him because then you could ruin their chances at winning so you kinda just let him flirt with you just to keep everything happy. You know this could possibly be leading him on but you don't want tension.

Your getting ready for the live shows when James walks in. "Baby I heard Myles likes you. Why do you let him flirt with you?" Asked James. "I don't want tension. I want them to have a chance and not make bad decisions coz of his liking of me" said Y/n. "Or is it because you like him. All you talk about is Myles! And Rak-Su! The other groups aren't getting attention from you are they! Seriously!" Said James. He walks out. I follow him. "James. It's my job to be there and honestly I prefer Myles right now then you! At least he has muscles unlike you" said Y/n. James looks at me. "Fine go and date him then!  If he has more muscles then me!" Said James, tearfully. He walks out. I sit down and cry.

Finally I make it to where the show is held. I see James talking to Sean and Conor. Myles walks over. "James said your over. Would you like to go on a date with me?" Asked Myles. "No,I'm  sorry I led you on but I love James not you. I'm sorry but we are workers together not friends. Don't talk to me unless it's about the show. You cost me a boyfriend. Just go." Said Y/n. He walks off. I go sit down. Sean and Conor walk over. "Look I know your out mentor but James is sound and you broke him, thanks for that. We don't want to hate you but you see we became friends with him and boys stay together. We'll see late for the show and vote off" Said Sean. They walk off. I sit there staring at James, laughing with Grace. I sigh.

Soon it's the show and I just frown and pretend to be happy. Rak-Su come on.

"Y/n your last to speak" Said Dermot. "I.... I'm sorry but I can't. Excuse Mel said Y/n, running off to the backstage area. I see James running after me.

"Y/n what's wrong?" Asked James. "I'm sorry I never told him to stop! I'm sorry I just hate tension and I didn't want him to be upset with me because you know  what I'm like you do! I love you not Myles" Said Y/n. "I'm sorry I should have known but next time let me tell him what's up. Now get back out there" Said James. I nod.

I sit down and smile. Myles is looking at me. "You guys did good. Ashley your the best! I hope ya get through" Said Y/n.

Soon it's the vote off. Sean and Conor come up. "Sorry we Said all that" said Sean. "It's fine. Plus I have him back. And you two I hope get through" smiles Y/n.

In the end Rak-Su came 6th and Sean and Conor won:)

OMG I love Sean and Conor Price! Their Irish  and on X   Factor and amazing!

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