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Under the mistletoe.

Your P.O.V
Me and Brandon have been at my parents house for the new year.

"So babe when are you going to show me your first poetry book" he sits up on my bed.

I sigh and look back at him "you were serious about that when you asked".

He wraps his arms around me and kisses my shoulder "of course I was serious, I want to see what my baby girl was like when she first started writing, was she always this wonderful with words or was she just lyrically ill".

I giggle "I guess I'll show you my first book 'Internal Anonymous' it's really crazy"
(A/N real quick, this is an actual poetry book that I have been working on, I'm trying to get a hard cover copy of it, the poems also mine...sorry I'll go away now".

He laughs "I don't care, you must've forgotten I put this on my Christmas List now read me a poem woman".

The third eye

We are so oblivious to the obvious that when the obvious becomes the oblivious we think it's something new

You see they take people to the other side to show them what we call the third eye and then we light their minds on fire

What was known is now gone and they can't comprehend the worst so now they have room for lighters

With their minds only a figment of their imagination they have room for what we call the third eye and no it's not a hoax but believe whichever way

We light their minds on fire and the night turns to day, you think i'm talking about something evil yet, it's something so pure that even the simplest minds can't believe it is true

We are so oblivious to the obvious that when the obvious becomes the oblivious it looks like something new

You see we light their minds on fire and then we have them turn to you because you call them crazy but only because your mind is fogged

This is why you have no clarity as to which is night and day

You see they light your minds on fire and you have room for lighters

So it clears up all the fog and makes you a little lighter

We are so obvious to the oblivious that when the oblivious becomes the obvious we think it's something old

And you may not know

But I took you to the other side and have shown you the third eye and lit you mind on fire

What you know is now gone and now you have room for lighters

I finish and look at him "sooo, what do you think about it" he hugs me "it was absolutely beautiful, I knew you had a way with words but damn girl you've been holding out on me".

I giggle "y/n and Brandon dessert is finished come get a piece of pumpkin pie " my mom shouts from downstairs.

He looks at me and hops out of bed "I'll race ya, last person to the kitchen is a rotten egg" I giggle and run downstairs hot on Brandons tail but I trip over my own feet and began to tumble.

Luckily Brandon catches me in the doorway, I was still pretty shook"you alright baby girl" I nod my head "yea I'm alright".

He looks up and smiles "well would you look at that" I look up and laugh "did you plan for this to happen".

He chuckles "no but you do know that we're supposed to kiss right" I laugh "yes".

He pulls me close and kisses me passionately before it starts getting heated my mom walks in on us "I thought I told y'all to come on, not eat each other's face off".

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