Nick Zion

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Ice skating.

Your P.O.V
"Y/n let's go your going to make us late for for the ice skating rink" Zion bangs on my bedroom door.

"Yea, by the time your done the rink will be closed" Nick adds.

I groan and swing open my door "I'm done, are you guys happy".

Zion nods his head "finally, took you long enough".

We head downstairs and into the car, Zion gets in the back then me and Nick climb in the front seat.

"Remind me again why the others couldn't go" Zion snickers "they got each other sick".

I giggle "well isn't that unfortunate at least some of us can go ice skating afterall it is a prettymuch pre Christmas Eve tradition".

We pull up to the indoor ice skating rink and Zion throws me over his shoulder "let's get to skating so I can show off some of my new dancing moves".

He sits me down on the ground, then we all enter the skating rink.

"Hi welcome winter skateland, we have a group special going on today with a purchase of every two pair of ice skates you buy you get a free pizza, will you guys be joining in on that special today".

The both look at me "why are you guys looking at me" they shrug their shoulders "you usually are in charge of this stuff, what do you want to do".

I shake my head "I don't think we'll be doing the special maybe another time".

She smiles "so three pairs of ice skates, right" I smile and nod my head "Yes and could we get six matching Christmas sweaters".

She nods her head "your total will come out to 82.45" I take out my wallet but by the time money out Zion and Nick have already paid for everything.

I glare at the both of them "I could've paid for it" Nick pats me on the back "we let you pay for everything the last time and I'm sure you remember what we said" he looks at me "you guys said after that I couldn't pay for the next time we went".

We grab the sweaters and ice skates, once we put on everything we head out to the rink.

Now I only know how to ice skate just a bit so I was busting my ass half of the time.

"Zion help me I'm about to fal- ahhh" I trip over my own feet.

Zion and Nick rush to my side "oh shit are you good" I nod my head "yea I'm fin- oww" I try to stand up but end up sitting back down.

They both look at me with concern "I think you sprained your ankle, try to move it" I move my ankle slightly but stop because it begins to hurt immediately.

Nick nods his head "yea it's definitely sprained, it's time to call it a night and head home" he lifts me up while Zion grabs everything.

We get inside the car and head home.


Nick carries me into the front room and sits me down on the couch, the other guys are down there too.

Austin looks over at us "what happened to y/n" Nick sits me on the couch "she sprained her ankle while ice skating".

We're all in the living room sitting down, Brandon looks around "well at least we'll be home for Christmas together" we all chuckle.

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