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Sorry I haven't posted in almost a week, when I said I was going through stress issues I wasn't lying and you guys made me feel amazing.

Two days ago my aunt told me something that changed everything, I always knew she was sick but two months ago she got really sick, about two weeks ago she was emitted into the hospital, her state isn't the best and I've been here at the hospital with her every single day, I haven't gotten but almost close to 14 hours of sleep total this week Monday through Thursday.

On Wednesday my aunt made an announcement to my entire family, my brother that I haven't seen in forever came out to the hospital and what she told us broke my heart into a million pieces, I'll never be the same and I want to continue writing this book but I need to take a break and process everything that's happened in these past days.

I love her so much and to see her like this makes my heart hurt, it gives me headaches, I sit up at night wondering if she's ok if the people at the hospital are doing their job, then a have project that's due next week Friday, it determines my next Two years in High school and potentially my college life.

I need time to come back from this, I can barely process anything, I can't even write there's just too much going on in my head.


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