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I'm sorry you guys, everyone's probably like "this b*tch keeps saying all these things and just making excuses". You guys are like my family and I will always keep it 100 with y'all, now this isn't apart of my announcement but I feel it's necessary that I share this with you all.
Ever since school started I have been super stressed, I would cry everyday, and school isn't this normal kind of stress because of the type of classes that I'm taking. I needed to get my sh*t together and that didn't work out which made me even more sad and this truthfully lead to me wanting to literally die, like I was honestly about to off myself because I was just so done with life like wtf. But I had a revelation and now life is going better than it has ever been. I lost my old self in the process of everything that I've dealt with this year, part of that being the passing of my aunt like she was my heart and soul, she was my momma honestly. But I needed time to backtrack because all the bad people that surrounded me swaped my good qualities for their bad ones, I didn't ever realize that until I noticed I was acting like everyone else and not myself. I know who I am and the person I've become is not me, this sad and destructive person isn't me. But I needed to find me and the person I was, I needed to merge those pieces together to make someone else, I needed to make a better me. This was for me and for everyone. So I'm happy to say that I'm back and I'm not fully improved but we're getting there and it's one day at a time.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Honestly I think I'm done with this book, I don't have anymore ideas but I do want to write a new book but I want you guys opinion on this whole ordeal. Lately, I've been going on my yearly (not exactly) jack and jack rampage where I look for books about them on wattpad. I was looking for Jack J interracial books/imagines and I only found a few. I don't know about y'all but I love me some Jack Johnson so I was like "what the f*ck". So now here's my question:

Jack J interracial imagines (if you pick this there will be short stories included)


Jack J interracial book

Pretty Much Interracial ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now