Part 5: fight

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I saw the bit of sunlight peeking in through my window, reflecting in to my eyes as it shone on my bedroom door. To miss the light I turned on my other side, but came face to face with the Nightmare himself.


"Morning Sunshine." He smiled as he looked at me. I furrowed my eyebrows together, hiding my face in the pillow and trying to sleep further but he kept on bugging me to get up. "Common Tahnée. It's already past nine." "Yeah. Well, frankly I don't care so just... go!" I said as I looked up at him after he gave me a final push... pushing me off the bed.

I tried to keep serious but after about a full ten seconds that we stared at each other with serious eyes and no other visible emotions, I just couldn't contain my laughter any longer.

"Why do we need to get up?" I groaned, climbing back on to the bed and nestling up in his arms as I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Because it's a new day, new things can happen and we can go out!" He squealed.
Oh goodie.

Going out with Micheal to the malls is always the longest trip ever. He's an extreme window shopper and takes every small detail and price in to consideration, comparing them with the other and then, on the heat of the moment, when you finally think he'll buy the cheapest out of the bunch... he just ends up scoffing at the price tag and leaves the shop.

Trust me, it more of a circus when you see it in real life.

"Okay, let's get up then." I sighed, throwing the blankets all on top of him as I made a scene to get out of bed. "I'll come back in about twenty to get you." I nodded as he left my room to go back to his house, just across the street.

I got dressed, did my hair and brushed my teeth before walking downstairs and sitting in the living room, waiting for Micheal to come back. But instead of the familiar knock on the door, I hard only one single, soft knock.

Please don't be Daniel.
Please don't be Daniel.

I repeated and repeated in my head till I reached the door. I sucked in a deep breath and opened up. A deep, fake smile appeared on my lips as my eyes met the person standing in front of me.

"Daniel." I said, trying to sound excited, but I sounded more surprised. "Seems like you weren't really expecting me to be at your door." "That wouldn't be entirely wrong." I chuckled, stepping aside to let him in.

"Listen, I came here because I need to talk to you." As I closed the door behind him, I turned to face him. Seeing the blue and red shaded circles under his eyes, indicating to me that he haven't slept last night as well. "You've been lying awake too?" He nodded, looking down at his hands as he played with the ring around his finger.
I always find it cute when he does that.

"Daniel, I'm sorry baout everything."
"There's nothing to be sorry about Tahnée. I'm just scared that I'll lose you. I mean, I've been thinking and you know that's not the best thing when it comes to me..." I chuckled at his statement. Understanding where he's coming from and what he means, because just like me, Daniel is also a heavy overthinker.

He glanced back up to me before swallow the tears that pooled up in his eyes, stepping closer to me and pulling me in to a hug. "I lo-" but Micheal interrupted when he opened the door and came barging in.

"Don't you ever knock?"
"Hmm." He hummed, clearly not as pleased now that he sees Daniel.
I don't know what his problem is with him, I'm still yet scraping the courage together to ask him out about it, but I'm still a bit too scared. He just sucked it ip and walked over to the living room and plonked down on the sofa.

"What's he doing here?"
"We're going out to the mall today."
I saw him rolling his eyes a bit, making me sigh.

"Micheal. I promise we'll leave in a bit, just give me like five minutes!" I yelled to him as I took Daniel's hand in mine, pulling him up to my room with me. "Sit down." I pointe to the bed as I closed the door behind us.
"What were you thinking about last night?"
"About us, Tahnée. I don't know if you even want to be with me." My eyes grew big as I looked at him.

"Oh bosh Daniel! Of course I want to be with you. Do you think that me wanting to go to Canada makes it an easier way to just say I break up with you?"
"Yeah." He laughed a shallow chuckle. My heart dropped by the sound of it, knowing now exactly what he thinks.

"I can't believe you!" I picked up a big stuffed animal and chuckled it his way. "Oh common Tahnée, you never even told me, in the year we've almost been together, that you love me!" "But you know my deal about that Daniel. And if you love me you'll respect that." This is such a pointless argument, and let me tell you... it's not the first time he started an argument about me not saying 'i love you' to him.

It's so stupid.

"And I do respect that, but how do you think it feels to never hear those words leave your lips."
"Just because I don't say them doesn't mean I don't,"
"Don't what? Love me? Common, say it Tahnée." I sighed. "If I didn't then I would've left you a long time ago." He was about to say something but swallowed his words.
"I don't have time for this. Micheal and I are going to the mall and you," I paused, scraping the thoughts in my mind together.

God, I'm so pissed at him right now.
Why does he always make this a problem?

"You can either take your stuff and leave or stay here and enjoy your pitty party for yourself." I turned around and walked back downstairs.

"Come Micheal." I said angrily, opening the door and stumping out to his car in the driveway. "Moody much."
"Yes and I'm not in the mood for irritating and teasing jokes." I scoffed, making him shut up real fast as he unlocked the car and we got in.

He kept quiet for a long while as we drove to the mall, giving me the time to cool down because he knows I can explode on him when he asks me what's going on right now.

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