Part 47: my girl

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My boy Brian went out with his girl tonight. I can't wait to hear this story. He gets mad when I call Tahnée his girl, but I know deep down inside he feels exactly the same about her as what I claim he does.
He just doesn't want to admit it to me nor himself.

I also know why she asked Brian.
It was a long story of how she told me that I shouldn't be offended by her decision because I'm her friend too, but it wasn't about my title nor name, it was simply because she feels the same way about Brian as Brian feels about her. I just can't tell him how she feels, and I can't tell her how he feels. She literally wanted to ask him and go with him. Nobody else would've filled that space for her except him.

Does it make sense?

I'm ripped in two, keeping the secret that they both like one another but I cannot tell them to just get them together. I also want this to happen on its own. I don't want them to just get together because they 'like' one another, they need to fall in love.
And fall so hard that they won't be able to get up. So hard that when they get a fight ot something it'll break them both. They need to be in this together.

Although she has enough heartache, I know Brian can settle her heart and make her whole again.

I want them to be so in love with one another that it makes me sick and that people get jealous. I want them to be so in love that I have to comfort Brian in the nights when he misses her. I want them to be so in love that I can witness the meeting of the two after a long time apart.
Most of all, I want to see Brian happy again. I want to see him inlove again.

His last relationship was sort of like Tahnée's, except, he was forced in to things he didn't like. He still carries the scars of that in his heart, and I think that's mainly the big reason why he keeps doubting himself and his relationship with Tahnée.
Stephanie made him so insecure about who he is that he lost more than what he got. She was a witch. A wicked witch.

Brian, wasn't Brian after that.
But we regained some parts of him.


It's past elven and I'm sat on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and a soda, watching Greys Anatomy whilst I stuff my face. My phone vibrated next to me and I saw Brian's name popping up.

I swallowed before answering in a rush, "Tell me all about it!" I spat out a few pieces of popcorn, and they went flying arouns the couch. I heard him laughing for a moment, and it sounded really quiet. He must've stepped outside or he's calling me from the bathroom.

"Shawn... are you stuffing your face with popcorn?"
"I may be." I swallowed again.
"Okay. Whatever makes you happy."
"Common share me some details!"
He went silent for a while before he started talking. Just by the tone in his voice I could already hear he was smiling incredibly big.

"Shawn, she's beautiful. All about her everything she does and just the way she smiles at me I- wow. I don't know what to do though, I can't tell her that I like her, it's just too soon and she still needs to sort some things out but-"
"No, Brian. No but's. Don't overthink this, you know what to do and you know when to do it. Just leave it and see what happens. Tahnée won't ever leave you to waste, you know that too. Ans if you really like her you'll wait, even though patience isn't your best factor."
"Well she did kinda yell at a girl for wanting to sit next to me and basically make her my date when I came here with Tahnée."
"Oohh sassy Tahnée."
"You should've seen it."

We laughed for a while but then I cut it off.
"Go back there and get your girl."
"She's not my girl Shawn!" He said annoyed, "Oh please. You know you call her your girl in your mind, don't deny it." I smirked, could already see his red crimson cheeks in my mind as he stood there smiling. "Bye!" He laughed, "Ha! See you didn't deny it!" But he already hung up.

"My boy." I laughed, shaking my head as I stuffed another hand full of popcorn down my throat and resuming the season of Greys Anatomy.



I walked out of the bathroom where I just called Shawn and searched around the room to see if I can spot Tahnée.
Lylian. She's with Lylian.

It looks like she's calling Tahnée out, probably because she said that she'll get time to know me but then Tahnée didn't want her to sit next to me and yeah, you know what I mean... but this is not okay on my watch. And it's stupid for Lylian to argue with Tahnée over... me.

I walked over to them, hearing the words she spat in Tahnée's face about me. "And you cannot promise me time when you then push me away-heyyyy.. Brian." She smiled a fake smile as she saw me walking up to them. "Everything okay?" I asked as I slowly stepped closer to Tahnée, wrapping my arm around her waist.

Just to create a scene.

I saw the small smile curving up on her lips as she looked down to the floor. Placing her hand over mine she took my hand in hers and intertwined our fingers. "I ask again. Is everything okay?" I saw Lylian was shocked by our actions, but then it was as if all the pieces fell together for her, it all fell in to place. "Oh you guys are- oh. I'm so sorry. I thought- I- never mind." She apologized one last time before walking off.

"Thank you."
"She's a bitter soul." I chuckled, looking down in to her eyes. If I can just... kiss her. Her lips perfectly plumped, pink and rosy. Eyes sparkling and the lights of the disco ball above us complimenting her even more.

Gorgeous, drop dead gorgeous.

"Do you want to leave?" She asked, my eyes growing big. "What no, this is your night I don't want to leave." She frowned, "But home sounds much better. A movie, and oh, I have some rascals and chips in the house." She said all excited. "If you want to go, then I won't say no." "Only if you want to stay?" She questioned, "What? And stay amongst Lylian... I think not."

She laughed, grabbing her coat and clutch before linking her arm in with mine and we walked out.

My girl.

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