Part 63: i'm sorry

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(that night)

Shawn came by the apartment again to pick me up for the club party tonight. Not that I'm entirely in the mood to go out but I know if I get out I'll feel better and I also don't want to bail on the rest of the people who'll be there.

I constantly get torn in two when I have to decide about staying amongst the pizza slices and lazy wear for the entire night or even weekend, or taking the shot of going out and make myself look kind of appealing and well to just feel a bit better about the state I'm in.

And that's exactly what I did tomight. Made myself beautiful in a way to lighten my mood and now I just need people around me to get the mood even more light.

"I knew Brian won't come and pick me up." I sighed sadly as I got in to Shawn's car. "He totally bailed on tonight as well. Matt told me he messaged him saying that he won't be coming at all tonight. He's weird, Tahnée. And I don't know what his problem is with us. What did we do?" I just shook my head, not knowing as well.
"This is childish." I stated. "Agreed." He sighed.


We drove to the club and met up with the rest of the people outside. Micheal said that he'll rather stay home because he was still pretty heavily hung over from all we did last night.

"Matt!" I squealed out of excitement when I saw him walking up to us from the parked car just across the street. "I haven't seen you in a while. How've you been?" He spung me around as he pulled me in to a tight hug. "I'm good, I guess." I chuckled. "How've you been?" I asked him all smiles. "Good. Really good actually."

Just then a beautiful girl appeared by his side, taking his hand in hers and smiling from ear to ear qhen she saw all of us. "Oh, Tahnée. Meet my girlfriend Meg." I reached my hand out to her, smiling. "Tahnée, nice to meet you." "So you're the girl with the great taste in flower bouquets. I thank you for those because this guy has no taste." I chukled, "That'll be me."

"Hey, you can't say I have no taste." Matt looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. "Yeah, you can't. I mean he has pretty good taste when he got to get a girl like you." I said, seeing the two of them sharing a kiss. It just made me miss Brian more.


Shawn and I walked over to the bar, hand kn hand to not get lost in the crowd, and get some drinks after the lot of us got a table nearby the dance floor. I really am having a great night with all the people here. Meeting new people of their group and even Meg for the first time and really getting it off with her.
We're a good pair.
She got my mind off things when we started talking and hanging out and when I danced with Shawn and the rest of the gang there, it felt like nothing even happened this day.

The sipping of red wine from the glass made me think back though. Back to my wonderful date with Brian last night. The red wine and ambience. But what went wrong?
"Common, dance with me." Shawn said, taking my hand in his and pulling me with him to the dance floor.

"Thought you can't dance." I laughed, trying to smirk at him but I knew I failed. "With you— it's and exception." He laughed, moving around like a broomstick. "Loosen up. Nobody here cares how you look man." I started patring his arms to make him relax with all his muscles and juat then his body started taking the drift of the music and he moved to the rhythm.



I know it's bad of me to bail on Matt and even the rest of the crew at his party by the club... so I guess I'll show my face. It's later now, but better late than never. Right?

I drove over to the club with a troubled heart and mind. So many memories, no, nightmares, came flooding back in to my brain and my body started shaking. Like I had a deep anxiety attack or something. I saw the bright lights from inside peeking through the door after someone opened the black wooden door to come out.
I took a deep breath, breathing it out slowly as I got out of my car. Walking up to the door with shaking legs and loud pumping heart.

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