Part 43: pretty lucky

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I started university, and it's completely and entirely what I hoped it'll be like. I made some new friends and even got to go out with some of the girls I study with. They are all so incredibly nice... but I miss Brian.

Ever since I started with my studies, we haven't gotten to spend a lot of time together. Miss Lily got a substitute in my place for weekdays at the shop and over the weekends it the only time that I work there.

Brian can only show his face for so long before he too has to run off somewhere.
I miss my friend.
I miss the long hours we spent together and how we just talked. I have so many things to tell him but I never get the chance to do it.

This morning, before running off to school, I stopped by at the flower shop and asked both Miss Lily and the new girl, Rita, to help me out with something. So I wrote him a letter and with that, gave him a small box with some small surprise inside. I know he'll go to the flower shop today because I remeber him telling me that he has breakfast with his mum today and she loves yellow roses.

Brain being the gentleman he is, will probably get his mother some flowers before heading to breakfast.

That's how I know he'll be there.

He can't open it untill I call him, otherwise he won't underatand. So that's why it's a bit of a patience tester, to see if he will have the patients of waiting for a little while longer till I get a small time off to call him.
I'm excited about it though, wishing to see him soon and I hope this is one way of doing it.



I have breakfast with my mom this morning, but the letter and box in the seat next to me keeps on pulling my attention.

Then the flowers.
I see them and I think about Tahnée even more. My heart longing for just a bit of time with her, but times are harder now than how they usually were. I miss her, and I bet she misses Micheal and all the family back home too... but hopefully somewhere in her heart she misses me just as much as I miss her.
Even though I miss her more.


"Good morning, darling." My mother kissed my cheek after I handed her the roses, pulling me in to one of her warm and comforting hugs. "I missed you." She mumbled in to my neck, not even wanting to let go. I smiled, knowing she missed me and I missed her too.
She went off for a long while with my dad, a vacation, they called it. But a few months are more like a world tour than just a vacation.

We sat down and she told me all about their visits to different places on this planet. I wish I could've gone with them but it was a bit impossible at the time. But let's rather save that story for another time later on.

"So tell me about you, what's new?" The excitement on her face, shining through the amile on her lips. She's eager to know. Eager to know what she missed out on the last few months.
I wish my dad was here to hear it all too, but he already has some business to deal with, they already called him back in to work. Needing him to advise and handle some deals.

Immediately the story of Tahnée filled my head and before I could even control he thought, it poured out of my mouth and I told my mom the entire story. "She's amazing mom. I never thought I'd make a friend quite like her. She- ugh, I don't even know how to explain her." I shook my head with a big smile on my lips. She's happy for me, I can see it in her eyes.

"Is she the one though? Maybe you can make a move?"
"I don't know mom, it's a bit more complicated than just making a move. She has a toxic relationship that she needs to get out of."
"Is it bad?"
I nodded, "Really bad. I can see it breaking her and he just doesn't seem to care. Even though he's so far away, Tahnée still holds on to what they had."

My mother sighed, shaking her head. "It's a long distance thing Brian, it won't last long and you know that. Just... make sure you're there when eventually it all crumbles down and she falls too."
"I promise I'll be there."


I'm happy I can talk about this to my mum. We have a good bond and I know she'll never judge me for what I tell her, accept for when I make a horrible mistake or oet tuing go that I never should.
I hope that I won't make any of those mistakes with Tahnée. She's one that I really don't want to let go.


Just after breakfast, I greeted my mom and drove off in the direction of my condominium. Just as I pulled away my phone started ringing and I saw it being Tahnée.
I smiled down at the caller ID before answering, keeping my attention locked on the road.

"Miss Summers." I answered, hearing her chuckling on the other end of the line. "Mister Craigen. How do you do?"
"I'm good thanks, better now that I hear from you."
"Aww, you sweetheart. But sorry, I'm taken."
The loyalty still shining through in all honesty. And it's sad to hear it, even sadder to see it.

But it won't last. That I know. She'll move it over, she just will.

"Unfortunately, yes." I sighed, hearing her sighing too. "Anyway, lets just drop that topic. Did you get the envelope and box?" She sounded all excited again, and I knew that whatever this is is a good thing. Something exciting and fun. "I have it, yes." I looked at the objects next to me, now even more excited about opening it up.

"So, I remembered you telling me that you don't have a lot planned today, only breakfast with your mum an- oh, I hope that was good. How is she doing?"
I laughed, "I'll tell you that later on. Just please finish telling your story Summers. I'm getting impatient and I want to see you."
"I knew this would test your patience, but I'm happy that you haven't opened it yet." She paused for a moment before continuing.

"The college has a dinner tonight, and each student can bring a date. The invitation is in the envelope. Now I know it may be weird bu-" I cut out everything else she said about it being weird because this is amazing.
She thought about me in that moment, nobody else. "I asked Shawn about it and he was, in a strangely weird way, very very supportive of the thought that I should ask you. So..."
"Yeah?" I could just imagine her cheeks burning red as she smiles. "Brian... will you please be my date to the Formal tonight?"

I wanted to jump right out of my own skin. I'm ecstatic, happy and overexcited about this invitation. But I kept it cool, also trying to play a bit hard to get. "What is my price out of it all?"
"Oh common Brian." I laughed along with her, "I still owe you some 'dates' because of all the times I need to repay you for."
"That was a deal made for a coffee date, Tahnée. Not a formal dinner of the College." I smirked.
"And you know that I won't have a problem with taking you out for coffee but at least, I don't want to show up alone at the Formal. I'm still new and you're the only one I want there."

My heart came to a point where it actually stopped beating as I drove in to the parking lot of my condominium. But then it started beating again. "What about Shawn." "Nah. He's a good guy and a great friend, but Brian seems like a good option." Just after she said that I felt my phone vibrating in my hand. I looked.

Shawn: call me as soon as you can.

It's probably about this, or something else. I placed the hear piece of the phone back to my ear, the line still quiet as Tahnée awaits my answer. "I'm just fooling around Tahnée. Of course I'll go with you."
"Ah! Thank you so much Brian."
"But wait, what's the box?"
"You'll see." She hung up.

I gathered my things, walking out of the parking lot and up the stairs to my condo before calling Shawn. "Hey, yes. What's up?" He immediately started yelling, "You lucky bastard!" "What?" "Wait, please tell me she already told you otherwise I'm spoiling a surprise."
"She told me. She just called me asking if I can go with her to het Formal tonight."
"Yes! And you said yes right?"
"Obviously, I mean..."
"And that's why I'm saying you're a lucky bastard because you get to take the angel of Canada to a Formal!"

I smiled down to the little box before opening it up. Pulling out a keychain of a little, tiny pine tree.

"I am pretty lucky."

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