Part 64: studio

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His attitude and behavior hurt me, yes, but I can't stay mad at him. I like him, no matter what he does I'll always keep and stay with him. I won't give up on him.
And I mean, common... have you seen the guy? Cute as hell. No way yiu can stay mad at those eyes.

After I took his hand in mine my heart settled down for a bit. I haven't talked to him yet, not a word, that's the only thing that's hard for now but I think if I can get to say a few words to break the atmosphere between us, things will calm down a bit.
Under the table we kept on holding hands and all I thought about was last night.

The kiss. Everything's becoming so clear to me now. The way I feel about him and how the kiss felt. I just don't know what to tell him, when or how.
Should I just say it? Blurt it out?
Or should I do it again? Just out of the blue crash my lips to his and kiss him. Will he remember them?

"Can I take you home?" Brian asked after a while when most of the people already left. Shawn went home a bit earlier because he needs to be at the studio early tomorrow and I know that Micheal is probably, again, passed out on the bed.
I smiled a rosy cheek smile at him as my heartbeat increased.

See, he still has this hard effect on me even though he makes me mad sometimes.

"That'll be lovely." He took my hand in his again as we said goodbye to Matt and Megan. "It was so nice meeting you." "You too Tahnée. We should definitely hang out more." She said as she pulled out of the hug.


"Tahnée, I'm really sorry for how I treated you this morning." He said as we walked out of the club. "It's okay Brian. It's over and done with. It was just a misunderstanding." I said in a soothing voice, hoping he'll just feel better right now. "But I feel so bad." "Please don't." He held the door of the car open for me before I got in.

The ride was silent, but a sweet silence. "Do you think Shawn's new music will be good?" "Without a doubt. He always amazes everyone." He chuckled, driving away from the club. "I'm glad you eventually came tonight and that we figured this out but you need to understand Brian."
"Understand what?" I looked over to him, afraid to say it but I need to.
"That there's nobody else but-"
"But?" I smiled as my cheeks started burning.

"But you." His smile on his lips grew at an incredible pace.


(next morning)

"Micheal." I whispered, shaking the beast beside me. "Hey, I need you to wake up." I cupped his cheek in a sweet way, only to smirk devilishly and raised my hand, letting it fall smack down on his cheek.

"Ow!" He yelled, pushing me away so that I rolled off the bed, falling face down beside it on the ground. But I didn't mind because I was laughing way more than what I felt pain. "Crikey, Tahnée. That hurt." He chuckled at the end as I peeked up from the floor and looked at his blood red cheek.

"You're a real ignoramus." I crawled back on to the bed next to him, wiping away some tears of laughter before looking back in to his eyes. "You remember the kiss?" He nodded, scooting closer. "Did you kiss him again?" He whispered with a smirk. "He uhm- he doesn't actually remember our kiss Micheal. And I don't know how I can tell him. It's weird." He gasped, looking at me with big eyes. "He needs to know. I believe he wants to know." I sighed, "How will he know?" I waited for him to answer.

"Kiss him again."



5:30. The blasting sound of my alarm ringing in my ears made me jump up from bed. I need to be at the studio today, finish up on a few last touches on two songs before releasing them.
I teased enough the last few days and I think it's time for clearing it all out.

I'm thinking about inviting Tahnée along with me, but I'm not sure if she'd like to spend a whole day at the studio with me. It may get boring for her.

"Are you kidding me? Yes!" She yelled over the phone after I called her, asking her if she wants to join me. "Is that even a question? Like yes!" I laughed along with her as her chuckling filled my ears.
I know she's just a friend to me, but if it so happens that I ever get the chance of kissing her... I wouldn't think twice about taking it. But then again, who am I to break a promise to my best friend and make her seem like the girl with all the boys. Not far from the truth, everyone is after her, but I'll be one less pressure on her.
Besides, she loves Brian, and I have no doubt about that.

I told her I'll pick her up in a few minutes before grabbing my scarf and coat and heading out the door, making my way down to my car.

I arrived at Tahnée's apartment to see her already waiting outside, almost jumping up and down on her toes and her smile only growing wider the second she saw my car appearing around the corner of her street. She did a small leap as I parked infront of her building. Rushing over to the passenger side of the car and getting in.
"Oh my god." She squeals with a big smile as she closed the door and looked out infront of me. "Someone's excited." I said as we took off. She brought her hands up to her face, almost gasping with surprise and satisfaction as I hit the road on the way to the studio.


"I just need to do some finishing touches before the song releases. And by that, I needed another opinion." She smiled over to me as I looked at her for permission. Wanting to see if I can take her review on this new song. "I'll be happy to help. But first tell me a bit more about it." She scooted over in her seat as she turned to look at me, waiting in anticipation for me to tell her all about this new single.

"Now I don't want to give it all away because I actually want you to hear the song before I tell you the whole story behind it, maybe you find a story in it too that you can tell me. But it's the most vulnerable I've been in a song and I'm a bit scared to take this step and release it. But I hope other people find it as good and uplifting as I do." She chuckled at my last statement, "Trust me Shawn, this song will be topping the charts in less than a day."
"You haven't even heard it yet?"
"I don't need to hear the song to state simple facts."

I felt my cheeks burning bit a she stated it as a fact. "Oh stop if Tahnée, you sweetheart." We laughed together, pulling over in the parking lot and getting out, walking up to the studio. "This is so exciting." She squealed silently, "You can talk. We're alone here, apart from the crew." Her cheeks burned red as she then started talking more louder.


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