Part 82: i love her

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( 6 days later )

31 December 11:35 am.

I rolled over to see Tahnée still fast asleep next to me in bed. Hair all messy over the pillow, her small freckles on her cheeks complimenting her in this early hour. She looks beautiful, like always.
Last night was a long night. Sitting up till three this morning to finish up on our marathon from both seasons of Stranger Things.
And let me tell you, it was all worthwhile.

"Morning." She mumbled with her eyes still closed and her lips slightly parted on the pillow. At least she's not a drooler. "Morning." I stretched out before rolling closer to her, wrapping both my arms around her and lied down on top of her. A groan left her lips making me laugh, so I quickly pushed myself up allowing her to move so that she could turn around. "Much better." She mumbled in to my neck as she too wrapped her arms around me. "It's almost new year." "It's scary to think about that." She whispered.

We just layed there in silence for almost half an hour. Until she pushed me over and we switched sides. Now she's ontop of me.
"Will you go with me to The Vamps concert?"
"Are you sure about that?" She just nodded. "I'll be honored." I chuckled, gently caressing her back and drawing small circles on her skin as I slowly lifted up her shirt. "I could lay here all day."
I wish we could. But she really means it.

See, Tahnée isn't the most socializing person you'll find. If she can stay in bed or in her room, even just the comfort of her own home... she'll be more than happy. But I love seeing her laugh and smile when I take her out to some funky places. But I don't know this place so I guess she'll have to show me around and take me to some funky places. "Do you though?" "No." She laughed, pushing herself up so that she was looking straight in to my eyes. "What do you want to do?"
"Isn't there some sort of Nee Years party-festival-thing going on in town?" I raised my one eyebrows at her as I smirked.

By the look on her face she said yes, but clearly also expressed that she thought, or well, hoped that I forgot about it. "Common, let's go to that thing." "Can't we just stay amongst the duvets and pillows?"
"No. We need to get out, explore a bit." She looked at me for a long time, trying to convince me with her eyes and sweet smile to just stay. But not matter how cute and beautiful she looks— I'm not breaking on this on. "Fine." She groaned, rolling down from me before getting out of bed and stumped over to the bathroom. Making it very obvious that she didn't want to get out of bed. "Stumping your feet won't make me change my mind." "I know, I just hope it'll annoy you at some time." She smiled before pushing the door shut.

It didn't shut the entire way and I felt my heartbeat skyrocketing. Tahnée always wanted someone who won't care that she's incapable of sitting still or that she simply just can't grasp the concept of cleaning. Someone who will understand her at times when she just refuses to be ladylike.
I realized that half of the decisions she makes are usually ones that she regrets, but I hope I'm not one of them. She has the ability to overreact at any given moment... just like now. What I found in Tahnée is something that I've always been searching for. And just by accepting those things about her, the small things that I like and love about her the most... it made me love her— more.

I stood up from the bed, slowly making my way over to the bathroom door. I heard the shower turning on and I parted my lips to regulate my breathing. I stepped closer one more time, making my sight clear in to the bathroom.
I saw her standing under the shower. Hair up in a messy bun and water dripping down from her every curve. A hot sweat came over me and all I wanted was to get in with her, touch her, feel her, but we all know that's too soon. Within that moment of me contemplating in my mind, looking at her, I saw her head turning to look towards the door. Her eyes met mine and she smiled a small cheeky smile.

All at once I felt so embarrassed, but then I think back... this isn't the first time she caught me looking at her. Some times she even did it purposely so that I would. I know it.
I pulled the door of the bathroom shut and let out a deep sigh. Placing my hand over my heart as it started beating out of my chest.


I don't want to go downstairs. I don't want to face the rest of the people without her. And what if Micheal came back?

He left a few days ago even though the plan was that he stays till New Years. What if he's back, just awaiting off his moment to punch me on the jaw or even kill me. It's a stupid and pointless reason to do it but the guy is in love.
And I can't blame him for being in love.
When Tahnée walked out of the bathroom I was on her bed, scrolling through my phone. She appeared in the doorway and stole all the light of the room.

All dressed, looking beautiful. Hair straightened out and it's up in a high ponytail. It was a small awkward moment as she packed her pajamas away in her closet again. Then she looked at me. Rosy cheeks and a big smile. "I'm sorry." I laughed, sitting up on the bed as she walked over to me. "Don't be." She said softly as she sat down in front of me. Her eyes were so surreal. "I'm embarrassed now." I whispered as I looked down to my lap. My one leg bent up and I rested my elbow on it as I played with my fingers.
In the top corner of my eyes I saw her pushing herself up on to her knees and I only made eye contact with her the moment her hand touched my cheek.

She placed her hands on either side of my face, and the room falls away. I have never gotten so lost in a kiss before. And then, the space between our lips explodes. She pressed her lips to mine, pushing me over so that she was straddling me as our lips never disconnected. My heart keeps missing beats and my hands cannot bring her close enough to me. I ran my tongue over her bottom lip and my heart exploded. I taste her and realize I have been starving. I have loved before, but it didn't feel like this. I have kissed before, but it didn't burn me alive.
Maybe it lasts a minute and maybe it's an hour. All I know is this kiss and how soft her skin is when it brushes against mine. And even if I knew it all along, now I know for sure that I've been waiting for her forever.

She pulled away, our lips finally disconnecting after a few seconds. But god it felt like hours. So perfect so timeless and just— an escape. "Wow." She whispered with sincerity as she rested her forehead on mine and her hands were still on my cheeks. Her eyes closed and a smile in her face as her heartbeat pounded in my ears. Both of us slightly panting, "You seriously have words to describe that?" She laughed as I whispered to her, my hands firmly on her thighs as she still straddled me.

"We should get going?" It came out as more of a question, but after that kiss she kind of convinced me to rather stay home. "You sounded unsure." "I was." I whispered back to her, feeling the small smile curving up in the corners of my lips. "No. We need to go." She got up and held her hands out for me to pull me up from the bed. "Oh so now you're interested in going!" I laughed as I took her hands in mine, standing up from the bed. Close to her. Chest to chest. I played with her fingers, locking mine in with hers. "It sounds fun?" Now she sounded unsure.

Oh the things we're doing to one another.
Killing me slowly as I hope I do to her.

"Let's go then." As I wanted to walk past her she stopped me, her hand on my chest and a sweet smile on her face.
"But kiss me first." I cupped her cheeks, slowly caressing her skin before pressing my lips to hers again.

I'm so inlove with her.

Loving Brian | B.Cحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن