Part 7: the kiss

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The next few days we're all that great, except for the evenings and nights I got to spend with Micheal.
Everyone is so shocked that my plans didn't at all fall through the carpet and that I'm actually packing for Canada. Most of my things are already shipped over because my dad got me a small, very small, apartment just near the university.

It seems so unreal to me now, now that it gets so close.

So close to reality.

"Are you excited?" I looked over to Micheal sitting next to me on the roof. "I'm a bit scared, but at the same time... I'm excited too." I smiled, feeling the butterflies in my tummy when I think about it. "I'm happy for you Tahnée. I'm so excited to come and visit you there." He chuckled, sounding almost even more excited than me about going to Canada.

He went silent for a moment, as did I. It was a sad silence, when reality also kicked in that I'll be leaving him. I glanced over to him, seeing him doing exactly the same. "I'm going to miss you so mu-" but before I could finish my sentence he crashed his lips to mine.
I didn't pull away, even though it's wrong. He slowly but surely started pulling away, resting his forehead on mine. "I'm gonna miss you too." He whispered back at me.

"What was that for exactly?" "Because we never got to do it in that one day that we dated. And just... I don't know, closure I guess." "That's okay." I pecked his cheek one more time before scooting closer and making a comfortable spot for me next to him, feeling his arm wrapping around my shoulders.
"Don't tell Daniel." I looked up at him wih big eyes, begging almost. "Wouldn't dream of it. This is my moment, not his." He chuckled. "Okay." I laughed along, looking back out over the view. Seeing the sun setting in the horizon.

What a beautiful day.



Who would've thought my senior year coudl ever go by this fast? But it did. And it shocked my to the core when I got the final letter of thanks from the school and then just the next day receive my letter of acceptance from Canada.

"Oh my sweet girl. How I've wished this day to just postpone for a few more years." My mother walked in to my room as I fixed my robe and hair. "Aww. I'm still your daughter mum, no matter how old I get." I walked to her, giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Micheal and your dad is downstairs. I think Daniel is still on his way." I nodded, smiling faintly at her. My eyes examining her ever expression, seeing almost every emotion.

That's one thing about my mother, I can always see right through her. I can see the sadness behind a smile, the 'no' behind the shaky 'yes', the adventures behind her still mind.

My eyes softened as I squeezed her hand. "Mum..." she smiled up ag me as some tears pooled in her eyes. "Are you sure you want me to go. I'll stay if you-" "Tahnée. I'm not going to hold you back from living a dream. It's something you've always talked about." She brushed a silly strand of hair in behind my ear, cupping my cheek and gently caressing my skin.

"I'll miss you, don't get me wrong." She chuckled sadly, and I pulled her in to a tight hug. "I love you mum." "I love you too darling." She sniffed, pulled herself together and stepped out of my embrace.
Putting on her tough-woman act and taking me by the shoulders. "You have a graduation to get to and we have an annoying Micheal downstairs. So we all need to go." I laughed, nodding as she walked out and I checked myself one more time in the mirror before heading downstairs.

"Well look at you graduate." He placed his hands on his hips, looking at me with his head slightly tilted to the side, a proud smile on his face.
"Look at you graduate." He laughed as I gave him a deep hug. "I never thought these days would've come so quickly? Especially for you Micheal!" My dad said, taking the camera from my mother as we then posed for a picture.
Micheal just glared at him, giving us all a good laugh.

We recreated some of our childhood pictures. Especially our first grade picture. Micheal picked me up in his arms on that day. And even though now, he is much more muscular, back then his jelly arms could barely keep me up for the entire picture.
But today, he did it like a breeze.

As we posed I looked down at him, locking my eyes on his as he looked up at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?" "Because I don't know what I would've done if I didn't ever have you in my life." I whispered back to him, pulling him in to a hug. "You're my angel Tahnée." He mumbled in to my neck.
I shut my eyes, squeezing them close as I try to keep the tears away.

I know this will sound completely and utterly crazy but I always thought about marrying Micheal one day. My family thought so too, even his.

I remember when we were little we always played games where I was the weak lady trapped in a burning house. Then Micheal came, the bulky fireman... 'note my sarcasm when I meant bulky', to come and save the day.
As he saves the girl from the fire she launched in to his arms, smothering him with kisses as she gave him her token of appreciation and thanks.

That, for me, was my most prized possession... my giraffe keychain.

Then we got married at the end of the day, where he'll get dressed in my dad's oversized black blazer and I'll wear my best Sunday dress.

It was perfect.
Jack, my dog back then, was played as the Father getting us married and... wait a minute.

He lied!

When we were little we kissed on our wedding day although we didn't even knew what it meant. So we did share a kiss before, yesterday was just a rerun.
But I don't mind. I would've done the same thing at the airport if he didn't take the move first.

"Let's go graduate."

I took his hand in mine and we got in his car, driving off to the school with my parents following behind.
We waited almost half an hour for Daniel to show up, but we couldn't wait any longer... so we left, without him.

I'm not going to let him hold me back anymore. But at the same time... I'm also not going to break up with him.

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