Part 77: merry christmas

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We finally talked about it.

I told Brian about our kiss and he wasn't mad. We both still live a bit in oblivion about what exactly happened that night but every other witness said it was so. Besides, we both remember the dancing and touchy moments, so it wouldn't really surprise me if we actually... kissed.

So close. Once again. But Micheal, that darn grub! Why do people always ruin our closest moments to a life changing experience. There were so many times that we would've kissed or just admitted to something about how we feel towards one another, but every other time... it was interrupted.
Just like now.

I glared at Micheal as he made himself comfortable on his bed next to my side of the bed. "Did you tell him?" He whispered.
"I did." I said low.
"And did you kiss again?" He sounded all excited and I just glared harder. "Almost." I said through gritted teeth, seeing his eyes darting to the door before looking back at me. "Ooh I- shit." "Yeah."

He lied down and pulled his blanket over his head to hide his ashamed and embarrassed face. "I'm sorry." He whispered from underneath as I reached over to turn the light out. "It's okay." I whispered back. As I turned the light out I bent down to him, pecking the top of his head after pulling the blanket away.
I crawled in under the blanket and already felt Brisn's body heat radiating over to me.


I turned to look at the alarm beside my bed.

"Brian." I whispered as I rolled closer to him. "It's almost 11:11." I whispered again, seeing his body rolling over and by the small light peeking in through the curtains I saw his eyes sparkling. "Why are you still up?"
"I can't sleep."

He rolled closer and I felt his hand slowly moving to touch me. He placed it down on my waist before slowly moving it on to my back, pulling me closer. "What's your wish?" I asked him, lookig up in to his eyes. "Together one three?" I nodded.
"One." He said softly, "Two." I added, "Three." He said.

A small pause captured in the atmosphere before... "You." We said in unison.
Holy Fuck.

I bit down on my lip as I broke eye contact. Trying to hold in my growing smile. "I can hear your heartbeat." He whispered, resting his forehead against mine after he scooted closer. "Is it that obvious?" "A little, yeah. But I like it." I chuckled softly, "What? The sound of my heartbeat?" He nodded. He brought his hand up to my cheek, beushing a strand of hair in behind my ear before caressing my sking with the pad of his thumb.

"Do you at all feel... weird now?"
"I wouldn't call it weird, maybe just happy."
"Why happy?"
"Because now I finally get to be with you the way I want to be."
"And that means?"
"Tahnée, why all the questions?"
He looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed together, his hand still cupping my cheek. "Because I guess I just— don't want to get hurt again."
"You know I won't do that to you."

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled myself closer to him. Feeling his body pressed up against mine and there was just no words to describe how this felt. For the first time I hugged him as if he's mine, yet he's not. "Goodnight." I whisper. My tummy flipped the moment when I felt his lips connecting with my neck before his hot whisper sent shivers down my spine. "Goodnight Tahnée." I just smiled. Not being able to comprehend what exactly just happened and words fail to describe what he does to me I mean... god. Butterflies and nerves are becoming a regular thing for me ever since I met him.

It's crazy, but it's true. Even a stranger can become so much worth for you. I closed my eyes and felt how I drifted off to sleep, in to my dreams.


I rolled over to see if Brian was still asleep. Indeed. His eyes still shut and his lips slightly parted. Bed hair on the pillow as he slept on. His one arm still around me, holding me in place so that I cannot escape.
I slowly moved out of his embrace, trying not to wake him or make any sudden movements that will cause a raucous and wake everyone.

I slowly sat up on the bed, almost stepping on Micheal's head as I stumbled out of bed on my tippy toes. Grabbing my phone from the bedside table, I walked downstairs to the backyard.
"Hello?" His voice came through in a perfect tone. "I had a dream. It was a strange dream."
"And you're telling me this at nine o'clock at night... why?"
"Because you're a songwriter, maybe you can put my strange dream in to a better context for me like you do with everything else."
"Okay, spill it. I'm all ears."

I walked over to the hanging chair, wrapping my blanket tightly around me before sitting down. "It was a strange place, none like I ever saw before. I don't know how I got the idea of it but I was lost in this big city, running around with someone."
"At first I didn't know, and I still think it's a mystery but the voice I heard— it was Brian's."
"Describe the place."
"I can't Shawn. It's magic. Colourful and bright, loads of people, busy streets and just... crazy things. Beautiful though. Very beautiful." I heard him chucklig on the other end of the line before he spoke. "Sounds like a place I know." He paused, "I like this dream Tahnée. It's a great concept."
"For?" He didn't answer immediately after.

I heard a raucous on his side, sounding like a scattering of paper, pencils falling and he just laughed. "I'll tell you later on, I have to do something real quick."
"Oh ok-" he hung up. "Bye." I said weirdly, looking at his contact.

I just told him my crazy dream and he got it, but left me clueless. Okay?
"Up so early?" I heard a soft sound, trembling in my ears as it came closer. I looked over my shoulder, seeing Brian walking up to me. Perfectly. Muscular arms and his upper body immediately grabbing my attention. "I didn't mean to wake you, I just couldn't sleep anymore." I chuckled.

He took a seat beside me, taking the blanket off my shoulders and rolling up under it as well. "It's beautiful, this early."
"It is." We looked up at the sky. Just about seeing the light coming out from the horizon as he sky turned from a darkish blue-black to light.

"Merry Christmas Tahnée." He looked back to me, a soft and sweet smile on his lips. "Merry Christmas Brian." I smiled, pecking his cheek before resting my head down on his shoulder.

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