Part 30: body heat

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"So, where are you from?"
"I'm from Albuquerque. Not that interesting." I chuckled, seeing the smile forming on Brad's lips as he saw me smiling.

Micheal was right.
There's so many more people outside in the world that can make me more happy and whom I can make happy.
Or be happy being with.


I walked in to Micheal's house after school. We took the bus home together, but today I decided to stay over at his instead of going home.

We sat down on his bed, starting with Math homework. Micheal isn't a dumb person, he just tends not to pay attention in class at the times he really needs to.
Today was the third time this week that I had to save his butt in class.

Miss Gimmy once again caught him sleeping and it was my duty as soul-sister to save him out of the situation again.

"So uhm... remember I told you that I have something to tell you?" I hesitated at first to ask him and to actually tell him what went down at lunch. "Oh yeah. What's up?" He closed his books and scooted closer to me.
A small smile on his lips.

"So at lunch I had a litte encounter with Daniel." I said, seeing his eyes already losing interest and his body language already telling me he's tense about it.
Micheal is like my brother. He protects me when he doesn't even have to. I love him for that, but sometimes he makes decisions for me, and that triggers my nerves.

"Please just listen even though you hate him." "I'm listening, I'm listening." He sighed, focusing back on me and the story. "He uhm... he asked me if I wanted to go see a movie with him this Friday." I smiled excitedly, never thinking that any boy, especially Daniel, would ask me that question.

"It's a bet Tahnée." Micheal stated bluntly.
"W-What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows together as I looked at him in confusion. "I overheard them talking about it before lunch in physics. He was set up to ask you out."

"So what. I'm going and if it so happens to be a bet then so be it. But I'm going on a date with Daniel." He was not impressed. Jumping up from the bed with a furious attitude. "There are so many other people out there in the world Tahnée, people who can actually treat you right and make you way more happier than that douche!"

/end flashback/

He was right.
Not just about that but about Daniel. It was a bet, sadly. But after I told him to just end the act, he said it's real. That he developed a crush on me in the times that we went out. That he fell in love...

But he stood me up on some dates and, broke my heart on more occasions than he actually made me happy.
Why was I so blind?
From the beginning I should've listen and noticed that we were toxic. But I was blinded by something as stupid as love, even though I never spoke about it.

"Hey. I lost you for a moment there." Brad snapped me out of my gaze into history. "Oh, sorry. Lost in thought." I chuckled nervously.
We continued talking and getting to know one another more than what I already know about him.

Withing the minute he told me a story about his tour I saw Brian walking out to the terrace. He glanced over to me with a small smile of satisfaction. Is he happy that I'm mingling? I think so.

"Brad! Dude come here!" Tristan yelled from the other side of the room. "I uh- I probably need to go. I'll see you again?" He said more like a question. "I promise another one-on-one with you later on through the night." I smiled at him as I too excused myself from the rest of the conversation.

I pushed through the crowd of people, making my way to the terrace where I saw Brian standing over the balcony railing. His arms crossed on the bar and a beer bottle hanging on the tip of his finers.

I smiled to myself, looking at him for a moment.



After introducing Tahnée to The Vamps, I walked away. Not because of jealousy or anything, I just needed some air because of the crowd that's too big.

Some may see it as an excuse, and maybe... just maybe it was.
I'm sad that I can't get anywhere with her. I still feel like I'm walking in to a wall whenever I want to take the next step. And yes, I know, I know that good things takes time. I'm just an impatient person.

I saw her walking with Shawn to other friends and they started up a conversation. She and Brad started talking again and that's when she saw me walking out to the terrace.
I'm happy that she's getting along with all the friends and meeting new people. I smiled over to her before walking out, looking over the view.

I heard the door open but didn't immediately turn around. Hoping to see someone walking closer but after some time, nobody caught my eye, so I turned around. Seeing Tahnée standing by the door with her red solo cup in her hands. "What are you standing there for?" She laughed along with me, walking closer. "I was just observing the view from a further angle for a moment." She said softly.

"Oh okay. Beautiful now isn't it?" I asked as I looked back over the view. She furrowed her eyebrows a bit and chuckled before agreeing about my statement. She did it in such a way as if I did not understood what she said or missed something she asked or said.
Though, I don't know what it was...

"Where were you the entire night? I missed you in there." She said, looking over to me as she also leaned down on the railing bar. I smiled, for she missed me, looking over to her. "I thought you needed some alone time to get to know people." "It would've been better if you were there. Not gonna lie."

My heart pounded in my chest as the words left her lips. My hands warming up as the blood in my veins were replaced by electricity. Love pounding in my head and it's all I see when I look at her.


A deep moment of silence overcame the two of us, but it wasn't at all as uncomfortable like in the past. This was relaxing and comfortable. Like we can stay in this moment with just our minds talking when we look at each other.
Our eyes share a language that can't be put to words. Her lips curving to a smile when our eyes meet. A spark felt not only in my heart but in my soul.

"Do you want to head back inside?" I asked after seeing her shiver, but she shook her head. "I'm enjoying this much more, despite the coldness." I took my jacket off, throwing it over her shoulders. "No," she looked at me with big eyes, "Now you'll be cold." "It's okay Tahnée."

But she continued to shook her head. Taking my jacket off and handing it back to me to put on. "Do you mind me standing in front of you?" She asked, and me being unsure of her plans, but really want to see what she has in mind, nodded my head yes. She placed her cup down on the table next to us and stood infront of my. Pushing her back up on to my stomach and chest and taking the sides of my jacket, pulling me closer.

My heart was now pounding louder and faster than ever. "Body heat is warmer." She said softly, tilting her head to the side before looking up at me. A small smile on her face as the sparkles in her eyes tell me that she has a strange feeling of some sort of butterflies in her stomach.
"It sure is." I managed to get my words out as I was in a trance in the sight of her eyes.

Lost in them. Drowing in the pool of chocolate that burns in to my soul. She does things to me, things she doesn't even know she's doing.

It's killing me.
God, it's killing me fast.

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