Part 106: dad

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I just kept on sitting in that same room where the doctor talked to me. My head in my hands and my body shaking as I cried, but no tears were falling anymore. I cried them all, now I'm just in sorrow, crying without tears.

The nurses gave me a fresh pair of pants. Some off blue surgical things but they'll do the thing for the time being. One brought me a bag of clothes. It was Tahnée's. Drenched in blood. Unwearable.
It's horrible to look at it. To think back at what happened and basically relive every second of the most terrible nightmare.

The door opened after a while and they wheeled a bed in. I didn't look up to see, just excused myself for being in the room and walked out. "You can come in if you want to see her." I stopped in my tracks, turning around to see the same doctor in the doorway of the room. "Is that her?" I sniffed. She held the door open for me, allowing me to walk back in and there she was. Probably linked to every peice of surgical technology you can find, not breathing for herself, not opening her eyes.

She looks gone. She looks in so much pain.

"We'll give you some time." She said softly, leaving the room with all her other doctors and nurses. "Thank you." I said as I watched her walking out. She just winked, closing the door behind her.

I slowly stepped closer to Tahnée, feeling the coldness in her skin as I slid my hand in to hers. "Hey." I croaked out, scanning her weakened and bruised body with my eyes. "You were stupid to do that Tahnée." I sat down beside her bed, caressing her hand. "Why did you do that!" I started crying, resting my forehead on her hand as I finally felt more tears rolling down my cheeks. I looked back up to her, still not seeing any response. No movement.
I'm expecting too much from her right now, but all I want is a small sign, a little movement that will show me that she'll wake up. That she won't leave me.

"I'm looking for Tahnée Summers, or uhm-uh... Brian Crai—" "Shawn!" I stood up and ran out to him, not caring anymore. He pulled me in to a hug, his one hand on the back of my head as he gave me a hug. "What happened?" He asked as I pulled away, "He shot— she took a bullet for me." I started crying again. "Can I?" I nodded, walking in with him. He just stared at her, not knowing what to say nor what to do.
He is just as shocked. It's not like Tahnée to look like this, I never saw her looking this broken.

"What did I do?" I asked softly, looking at him as he locked his eyes back on me. "Brian this is not your fault. Daniel shot her, this is not—" "He wanted to shoot me, Shawn! He should've just done it!" I cried out, falling to the ground as I sat against the wall. He sat next to me, throwing his arm around my shoulders. "It's over now." He spoke softly, probably knowing that Daniel shot himself after shooting Tahnée. "What if everything is over?" "Don't give up on her, she would want you to be strong for her." He said sternly.

We both just sat there, looking at her bed. It was quiet in the room. All you could hear was the monitors and the machine breathing for her. We didn't talk. Nurses who came in didn't talk. The doctors didn't talk.
But everyone leaving after checking her vitals looked even more disappointed than before.

I know she's not doing good. I know she needs me here with her. I know she's scared, feeling alone inside of her own mind.

I slowly stood up, walking back over to her. "Tahnée, if you can hear me, I don't know if you can or not but... I love you. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere." I took her hand in mine, pecking her forehead before sitting back down in the chair beside her bed. "Do you want a coffee or anything?" Shawn asked as he stood up. "That'll be nice, thanks man." He nodded, walking out.

"I've wanted to ask you so many times but never got the guts to do it nor the perfect moment, yet there were so many. I know this probably isn't the best moment to do this but I want you to be mine Tahnée. You're my favourite girl, my true love." I licked over my lips, tasting the salty tears.
"I promise to base our relationship on love, respect and loyalty. I'll never let you down, I'll always be right beside you, and when there's no space, I'll always be right behind you. I will never disrespect you, never abuse you, never lie to you. I'll give you all the love that's left inside of me, I'll make even more space for you in my closet." I chuckled, wiping the tears away, scooting closer to her.

"I'll protect you like you do for me. I'll take care of the store for you till you get better and we can do it together. I'll proclaim my love to you as loud as I can, to anyone and everyone around us. I'll scream your name to the oblivious and ask you to marry me on the highest mountain we can climb. You're the only one I want, the only one I love in the way I do. You understand me, you get me, you love me." There was a small quiet moment, "So basically what I want to ask you is... will you be my girlfriend? My girl?" I sniffed again, knowing I won't get a reply but just saying it to her was already good enough.

"She won't say no." Shawn came walking back in, handing me a coffee. "I hope so." He sat down on the other chair beside her, looking at me from the other side of the bed. "Are you okay? Like physically?" I nodded, "Only a few bruises from the fall as I tried to jump out of his range but other than that... my body is okay." I sighed.


"Tahnée! Oh my baby girl." I heard a loud cry, slowly opening my eyes as I saw her dad standing in the doorway of the room. I immediately stood up, still waking up as I do. "Brian." Her father sniffed, looking me in the eyes. "Mr. Summers." I said softly. I saw the tears in his eyes as he looked at me. He clamped his hand around his mouth, crying as he saw Tahnée. "Shawn." I said through gritted teeth, kicking his chair and he quickly stood up, wiping out his eyes. "I'm up." He looked around the room, then looked at me. "Hello Sir, my name is Shawn I am ah- I'm a friend of your daughters'." He shook his hand but her father didn't walk over to her, he doesn't want to go near.

I walked outside, maybe thinking he needs a second with her. "I think I better go. Keep me updated, please." Shawn said, giving me a hug goodbye before walking down the hall.

I looked through the glass door of the room, seeing Tahnée's dad just standing at the end of her bed, not stepping any closer. Then his eyes met mine, he started walking out.
"Sir?" I asked after he just stood there looking at me. "Come here." He said softly, pulling me in to a hug.

He was shaking, feeling like he'll never let me go.

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