Part 91: asking

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For once the store was really busy. I could've hardly kept up with all the incoming orders and big bouquets that needed to be done.

Miss Lily said that she'll need me the next week because she got an offer to make fifty bouquets for a wedding next Saturday. That's big, and a lot of work too.
I can't let her do it on her own.
"How are you holding up here darling?" She asked after a sweet couple just left the shop. I nodded, a small sigh of relief leaving my lips as I chuckled. "I'm doing okay actually. A few Princess bandaids short in my bag but other than that, I smell like a flower and I'm happy." I said and she took my hands in hers, looking at all the patches that I taped over with a bandaid.

"The thorns... you'll get use to them." "I'm already use to them." I said, seeing her sweet smile back on her lips as she looked up at me.
Just then my phone vibrated in my pocket and for the first time this morning, I have a few minutes to myself.

Brian: we need to talk

My heartbeat raised in my chest by reading the text. This can never be good. Those words are all they use in movies right before the two star crossed lovers split up and both of them end up deceased and all everyone is wondering is how the two broken hearts can still cope.
But then it vibrated again.

Brian: sorry that sounded very bad. all i mean is that i have an offer and maybe when i come to pick you up for coffee we can talk about it.

I sighed. Placing my hand over my heart as I looked at the texts.

Me: you almost had me running back home. but sure, see you later then xx

Brian: love youuuu xx

Me: yeah yeah ❤️

I could just hear his chuckling in my ears as he reads the text. I slipped my phone back in to my pocket and started looking at all the orders. I placed them in order for the bouque that needs to go out first to the last.
I started on them.

"Miss Lily, we don't have any more yellow roses." I said, walking over to her with the paper to place a new order. "Oh dear. Do we need it for any other orders that should be delivered today?" I looked at the book and saw three orders that needs yellow roses. "Yes ma'am." She sighed, rubbing her forehead to think. "Okay, make a run through the stoor quickly and see if we need anything else and make a list. I'll drive to the supplier and see if I can get it before noon."

I made a run through the stoor and only listed a few things before heading back to Miss Lily and handing her the list. She sighed, knowing this can get difficult to handle when all the bouquets need to be out today. "Okay, you'll keep an eye on the store for me right? And tell the customers that are coming that bookings are closed for today. We'll start taking orders again tomorrow when stock comes in again." I nodded, saying goodbye to her as I made my way back to the counter and she left the store.

Only a few customers came in after she left, luckily all just wanting bouquets now or placed an order in for far in the future rather than today. Parties get expensive nowadays and I don't understand why you'll order so many flowers just to go off in two days. But hey... they get me my pay so that's okay.

The doorbell went off as I was busy with a customer. I just quickly glanced up to see the gender before continuing with my work. "I'll be with you now Sir." I said, thing a bow around the bouquet, handing the change back to the customer and then looked back up to see who walked in. "Oh don't worry, take your time love." "Oh, Brian. Is it already noon?" I looked up at the watch on the wall to see it's already past one. "I must've lost track of time, I'm so sorry."
"No worries, I can see that you're quiet busy around here." I just nodded, feeling the deep sigh rolling over my lips.

"Can we make the coffee date a bit later? Miss Lily is out to get flowers that we need and as you can see this place is packed, I have loads of orders to get done before this day ends— good afternoon ma'am, how can I help?" I said all in one breath as Brian came to stand beside me behind the counter.
In the corner of my eyes, as I helped the lady, I saw him taking off his jacket and reached for an apron underneath the counter. "What can I get for you?" He asked as I was about to turn around to run for flowers.

I smiled at him, feeling my heart warming at what he'll do just to spend some time with me. He's the best. "Lilies and the darkest red roses you can find." I said sweetly as he started walking to get the flowers. How sweet of him to help me out. That's why I adore him, I love him.



I helped Tahnée finish up on all the orders that she needed to get done. A few hours after I jumped in to help her, Miss Lily came back with the rest of the flowers and we finished up on it all.
"Thank you Brian. I don't think I could've done it without you." "Oh bosh. You could've." I chuckled, putting my coat back on as we made our way out.
She left work later than usual, and now I can too say that working in a flower shop... is hard work.

Constantly running around, taking orders, making bouquets, wrap bandaids around your fingers and then leaving at six o'clock for the first break the entire day... it's hard work.
I took her hand in mine as we walked out of the shop, taking the road to the cafe for our lattes and then we'll head back to her place. Probably.

"You said you wanted to talk?" She asked a bit nervous as I sat down opposite her. I took a deep breath, also feeling nervous when I think about it. Needing to ask her and tell her, how she'll react? Gosh.

"So after I dropped you off this morning I saw a notice on the door for your building saying there are apartments available." I started, seeing the look in her eyes already sparking. "I called the guy and he said there's a place up on the fourteenth floor. Two bedrooms, guest bathroom and a big lounge with a kitchen."
"Yeah?" She said a bit hesitantly. "Well I wanted to ask— I was wondering if— will you be okay with it if I move in with you, or well not with you but in the building just to be closer. For safety, you know." She chuckled at the mention of my last short sentence.

"It'll be more than okay, but, is it really what you want to do? I mean you have an incredible place Brian and you don't have to do this just because of me."
"It's not just because of you, Tahnée. It's closer to everyone and everything, you know."
"Then it's up to you." She said sweetly, placing her hand over mine with a big grin on her face. "Okay." I said softly, smiling up at her.


I dropped her off back at work for she needs to finish up on some more bouquets for orders, saying goodbye and then making my way to her place. I paced back and forth in the living room, contemplating about whether or not I should go through with it all or not. Will it be better? Is she just saying these things to make me confused? Will I only be invading her privacy?

Maybe I just need to ask her again, talk it through with a but more time?

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