Part 81: darling tahnée

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What started out as just a Christmas visit with Tahnée turned out to be the greatest holiday of my life.

For the first time I can satisfy the feeling of her lips on mine and how it actually feels to kiss her. Tonight I'll hold her like she's my own even though it's still so far away from that, but I don't want to rush in to things. I want this to happen naturally, like it did the entire time.
Not forced in to something just because we both might like each other we just haven't admitted it yet.

It was around 23:40 when I saw her eyes growing heavier. She stared at the fire, blinking slowly every now and then. "Do you want to go up?" She turned her head to look at me but I could already sense in her eyes that she didn't acknowledge what I said. I started laughing, speaking in between. "Do you want to go to bed Tahnée?" I asked again and this time she cracked a smile as she nodded, "That'll be amazing. But you can stay." She rested her head on my shoulder again just for a few seconds as I rubbed her back. "I can come with you if you'd li-"
"You can stay if you'd like." I smiled at her. Whatever I did to have her in my life, as part if me... I have no idea.

"I'll see you in a bit then." I whispered, looking deeply in to her eyes. "Goodnight then." Her voice soft and sweet. I noticed her eyes darting down to my lips and she thought about it too. A first goodnight kiss perhaps?
Don't mind if I do.
I leaned closer to her, taking her face in my hands, feeling her warm cheeks in my palms before I pressed my lips to hers. Pecking them not only once but twice. And the feeling of her lips curving up on the second peck made me smile as well. Darling Tahnée... my world now turns around you.

"Goodnight." She chuckled a last time before standing up and walking back inside. I watched her walking away till I saw her disappearing after closing the door behind her. I turned back to the fire but it wasn't long after till I saw the presence of another soul beside me. "She's mad at me, isn't she?" I just sighed because this is not my fight, but I'm also not going to stay quiet on the fact that he brutally hurt her feelings. "Micheal this is not my battle." "Just tell me Brian." "Yeah, she's sad more than she is mad. You hurt her feelings with what you said bu—"
"I love her, Brian. Don't you get that?" I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed together.

"I get that Micheal but do you get it that she doesn't feel the same way? You're causing all this disruption just simply because you can't accept the fact that she doesn't love you in— that way."
"It hurts."
"I can only imagine, but you can't choose who you fall inlove with." I heard the hard sigh leaving his lips, "Yeah, she just happily chose you." I saw him rolling his eye sin the dimmed light of the fire. Honestly, I don't have the power for this crap right now. If he can't accept that Tahnée is his friend, and only his friend... then he needs to have some self reflection because none of their moments would've been the same if they shared a way deeper admiration and love for one another than what they do now.
"Goodnight Micheal." I stood up, fold up my camping chair and walked back inside.

"Leaving so early?" I heard a boice, making me jump just after I placed the chair back behind the door. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you Brian." Tahnée's mom chuckled as I placed my hand over my heart. "That's okay ma'am. But yeah, I'm kind of tired and that fire outside just eases me more in to it." She smiled sweetly. Now I know where Tahnée gets her beautiful smile from, except Tahnée's smile on its own... is way more beautiful than her mom's.

"I love having you here Brian. It's good to finally meet the one guy Tahnée just simply can't stop talking about." She seemed really happy about Tahnée being that happy, with no one other than— me. I felt my cheeks burning and I smiled down to the ground, trying to hide it.

"Thank you ma'am, it's really nice meeting you all as well."
"Are you okay though, with the sleeping arrangements and everything?"
"Oh... more than okay." By the nod in her head and the small sparkle in her eyes I could sense she knew what I was referring to. "And do you feel welcome? No problems?" I looked back to the back door and my smile faded a bit. "I don't feel all too welcome by someone but that's okay, otherwise I'm having the time of my life." Her smile faded a bit too. "Sorry, about Micheal."
"It's not your place to apologize ma'am."

She's an amazing woman. Independent and capable of basically anything. "You're such a good and kind person Brian. Thank you for not only bringing back some light in to my daughter's life but treating her the way you do. I don't know how I'll ever thank you."
"Please don't thank me, I wouldn't be doing it if I wasn't truly—"
"In love?" Her eyes sparkled again as she waited in anticipation for my answer. "May be a bit too early for that but— yes." I blushed.

She came walking closer with the biggest smile on her lips that I ever saw, pulling me in to a tight hug as if I just gave her the best news of a lifetime.

"Goodnight, Brian." I chuckled as I pulled out of the hug, "Goodnight ma'am." She walked back outside and I made my way up to Tahnée. When I walked in I already saw her asleep on the bed. But I was sad to see that she packed Micheal's things up. Not away but just out of the way.
I don't want her to push him away just simply because of what he said. They're best friends, they can't lose what they have. I envy their relationship.
I kept the light off as I made my way over to my suitcase, grabbing my pajamas at the top and concentrated on how to get dressed.

It happend too occasionally of getting dressed in the dark and my shirt gets put on the other way around, so now I know... it takes up all my attention to get this done. My night blindness doesn't really help along with it.
I pulled my shirt over my head after getting my sweatpants on. Just as I was about to pull my shirt over my head I heard the faint voice in the background. "No, leave it like that." I turned around to see Tahnée looking at me where she was in bed. "Were you checking me out?" She chuckled sleepy. "What if I was?"
"You totally were." I folded up my shirt before walking over to her bed. Crawling up on the end to the top before getting in under the covers with her.

Every time my heart skips a beat when I know I'm here, in bed with her. And I'm elated. The happiest I've ever been with someone. I just wish I can tell her how I feel and that she can do the same.
Because that's the only thing stopping me from making her mine right now.



I can't sleep. I'm exhausted but I just simply can't sleep.

I turned to look at Brian, maybe searching to find some peace in his peacefulness. But Micheal keeps me awake. I hear the people downstairs still talking but it was the footsteps coming up the stairs to my room that made my heartbeat faster. "Tahnée?" He whispered, walking in. "Brian?" No one answered him. I'm too mad and Brian is asleep.

I didn't put his things away, I just moved it aside. I don't want to be rude and push him away even though he broke my heart.
He's still my best friend. Nothing will change that, no matter how bad this may get. He sighed, picking up his bag and walked out. I hope he's not leaving.

I watched how the door closed again but it wasn't long after when he came back in his pajamas. He stayed. He rolled out his things again, flipped the mattress down and made his bed. "I'm sorry." He whispered before probably getting in under the covers and falling asleep.
I looked back at Brian, feeling my heart warming as I do. He makes me so happy, more than he should actually. But I cannot get enough of him, I simply can't. I slowly wrapped my arm around him, feeling his bare skin close to me. The feeling of his arm instinctively wrapping around me as well made me smile. A small groan of comfort left his lips as he relaxed in my embrace.

I would've never invited him— we would've never kissed— none of this would've happe if I wasn't really... in love.

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