Part 72: in the moment

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We arrived back in Albuquerque and met up with Tahnée's mom by the arrival gate of the airport.

"Oh my darling girl." Her mother cooed as she pulled Tahnée in to a tight hug. I wish my mom was that excited to see me after a long time. "Mom, I'd like you to meet my good friend Brian." Tahée took my hand in hers, pulling me closer so that I can meet her mom. "Hello Mrs Summers. It's really nice to meet you."
To my surprise she pulled me in to hug, greeting me as if I'm her own.


"So Micheal is just across the street and this is my explicit view right in to his bedroom window." She said after giving me the whole tour of her house and even showed me her room. Pulling her face in a bit of a disgusted way when talking about the view straight in to Micheal's toom.
I noticed the poster of Shawn behind her bedroom door. "Oh, now I see the fan side of you." I laughed, pointing to the poster. "Okay, now that's just creepy." She went over and took it off, folding it up and putting it in her drawer, never getting rid of it.

"And this—" she walked over to her bed and smiled over to me with her cheeks glowing redder than ever. "Is this where we'll be crashing?" She nodded. Now I'm starting to feel the nerves as well. I know it's not meeting the entire family, but it's her dad, Micheal's parents and yeah... but still. Being here with her, all alone. Just us. Like a first trip... it's scary and I— I guess I just really want everything to go smoothly and as plan.

"So, the tradition is that every Christmas Eve we have a dance. Now, it's not necessary to dress up or anything, but maybe sweatpants just won't do the thing."
"What, you mean these bad boys?"
Her laughing filled my ears as I moved my hips around, shook my butt and tried to show off my glorious sweatpants. I saw her squinting her eyes as her nose crunches up with laughter. Beautiful. "Trust me, they're amazing... but—yeah." She smiled.



"Hello Sir, my name is Brian Craigen." I reached out my hand and greeted her dad. He had a small grin on his face, exchanging a look with Tahnée before looking back at me. "So you're the Brian that Tahnée told me so much about."
"Dad." She said through gritted teeth, her cheeks burning red as she tucked a strand of haie in behind her ear. "It's nice to finally meet you." Her dad said as he let go of my hand, turning to his daughter. "And it's so nice to have my baby girl back under my roof!" His laughter filled the air as he threw his arms around Tahnée, spinning her around and giving her a big kiss on the cheek.

I envy what she has. A family so full, a dad that's home, a mother who cares. She has it all, yet, nothing is always perfect. She's not perfect, her life is not perfect, but to me... god. So so perfect.
"You have a lot to tell me." He said, taking his bag and walking to the kitchen. She looked over to me, smiling before walking over, "Sorry about that." She chuckled, once again looking down at the floor as she tucked a strand of hair in behind her ears. "Do you uhm— there's a nice place a block from here. We can grab some food before the 'Traditional-Dance'?" She asked all sweetly.

"Food doesn't sound bad right now."
"Good. Great. Yeah, that's great." She smiled, grabbing her jacket from the coat hanger before we started walking down the street and up the block to wherever she may be taking me. She was nervous. It makes her even more cute.

"Tell me about this dance."
"It's nothing special, really. It's quite stupid but throughout the years... it became a thing." She chuckled.
The feeling of her hand brushing over mine made the butterflies alive. "But this year will be different, I can feel it." She took my hand in hers and within that moment I knew the difference at this dance... is me.

We arrived at the pizza place not far feom her home. Literally like she said, a block away. We sat down, ordered a small pizza and got big sodas to share. So cliche, I know. But hey, at least it's not a milkshake.

I saw her getting lost in the feeling of the warmth of the shop and the presence of good company. But just like that, she also got lost in the flashing car lights passing by and the blinking light of the store sign. Red. Blue. Then, Tahnée.

So beautiful in all she does, even when she gets lost. Her eyes full of wonder and her smile so effortless. But pain is seen behind her front and no matter what she does, it's always a part of her but somehow, it balances out. I mean... life is never just sunshine and roses. No life is a big fantasy or fairytale.
But she makes the best of it.

"Tell me you're life story." I grabbed her attention.
"My life story? I thought you know it."
"Yeah I do, but what's your plan? You're studying to become this— beautician, but I know there's some part of you, thriving of something else in life."

"I like over dramatic love stories with drama and long, exaggerated chapters that keeps the two loved ones even further away from one another. Having to find love on their own and maybe even have a unhappy ending. I have this dream about living the simple life and having a family of my own where it's all perfect and—" but then she got lost. She furrowed her eyebrows together and looked down at her alice of pizza, "But nothing is really perfect. I mean... it's not like any fictional story can come true, there's no Prince Charming awaiting around every corner." Then her eyes met mine. A smile starting to form on her lips.

"But then there's you— and me. Here. In this moment. So I tend to live in the moment rather than planning out for thr future. The fun can happe now, not then. And just like in the fairytales you always get lost in the moment. It may sound crazy but I never got to feel that, but with you... I tend to get lost a lot."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
"See it as you wish, but to me... it's a great thing."

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